Oyster Shell Raw

Review Available Oyster Shell Forms and Sizes Below

Common Names:  Oyster Shell, Oyster, Osterea Gigas
Botanical Name:  Concha ostreae, Ostrea cucullata
Chinese / Pin Yin Name:  Mu Li
Oyster Shell Dosage:  Consult your healthcare provider for your correct dose.
Oyster Shell Precautions:  Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Incompatible with ma huang, xi xin, and wu zhu yu. Do not use in cases of yang deficiency or kidney deficiency without heat. Do not use with spermatorrhea due to coldness.

Oyster Shell Benefits & Information

Oyster Shell is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to calm the liver, subdue yang, soften hardness, dissipate nodules and stop discharge.  Oyster Shell supports mental calmness.  Oyster Shell has astringent, sedative, detoxification, analgesic and antiviral effects
Oyster Shell Properties: Salty, Neutral, Slightly Cold, Non-Toxic
Oyster Shell Channels / Meridians:  Liver, Kidney
Oyster Shell Naturally Occurring Components:  calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, calcium sulfate, organic compounds, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, ferric oxide

Herbs That Combine With Oyster Shell

Astragalus     Schisandra     White Peony     Scutellaria Root     White Atractylodes Root


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