Chinese Lobelia Herb

Shop Chinese Lobelia Herb Forms and Sizes Below 

Common Name:
  Lobelia, Lobelia Herb, Chinese Lobelia, Herba Lobeliae chinensis 
Botanical Name:  Lobelia chinensis herba
Chinese / Pin Yin Name:   Ban Bian Lian    
Chinese Lobelia Herb Dosage: Consult your healthcare provider for your correct dose.
Chinese Lobelia Herb Precautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing.

Chinese Lobelia Herb Benefits & Information

Chinese Lobelia Herb is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb used to clear heat, remove toxicity, promote diuresis and ease edema.  Chinese Lobelia Herb can be used topically to promote healing of sores, abscesses  and snake bite. Chinese Lobelia Herb benefits the respiratory system, boosts the immune system supports the urinary system and benefits the digestive system. It has expectorant, antispasmodic, antifungal and diuretic properties.  The alkaloid lobeline which has a similar effect upon the nervous system as nicotine.
Chinese Lobelia Herb Category: 
Herbs that Drain Dampness
Chinese Lobelia Herb Properties:
 Acrid, Bland, Cool
Chinese Lobelia Herb Channels/Meridians:   Liver, Small Intestine, Kidney, Stomach
Chinese Lobelia Herb Naturally Occurring Components:   lobeline, lobelanine, isolobelanine, lobelanidine, saponins, flavanoids

Herbs That Combine With Chinese Lobelia Herb

Scutellaria Barbata     Vervain


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