
Cnidium Fruit (She Chuang Zi): Benefits and Information

What is Cnidium Fruit?

Cnidium fruit, known as She Chuang Zi in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), comes from the Cnidium monnieri plant, a flowering species native to regions including India, China, Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam, and Eastern Russia. This herb has a long history of medicinal use, particularly in TCM, where it is highly valued for its ability to address a wide range of health concerns.


Medicinal Properties and Uses

In TCM, cnidium fruit is primarily used to dry dampness, warm the kidneys, and strengthen yang energy. These properties make it effective in treating conditions such as eczema, itching, and fungal infections, especially in the genital area. Cnidium is commonly included in topical formulations for skin health and is a popular ingredient in many skincare creams in China and Japan. The herb is also used internally to dispel cold and dampness, which helps in alleviating issues related to sexual function, fertility, and reproductive health.

Bioactive Components and Health Benefits

Cnidium contains over 400 bioactive constituents, with major components including coumarins, chromones, and osthole. Each of these compounds contributes to the herb's diverse health benefits:

  • Coumarins: Known for their anti-hypertensive, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties.
  • Chromones: Possess antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects.
  • Osthole: A compound with potential benefits for memory, nervous system function, cardiovascular health, blood sugar regulation, blood pressure, and bone health. Osthole also has antifungal, analgesic, and antibacterial properties.

Application and Usage

Cnidium is versatile in its applications and can be used both topically and internally. It is typically applied externally in herbal salves, lotions, rinses, and compresses to ease itching, kill parasites, and promote skin health. Internally, cnidium can be prepared as a tea, decoction, or tincture. Additionally, cnidium powder is ideal for making fresh, filler-free capsules, allowing users to harness its benefits in a convenient form.

Overall, cnidium fruit is a powerful herb with a rich history in traditional medicine, offering a wide range of benefits for sexual health, skin care, and overall vitality.

Common Name:
Cnidium Fruit, Cnidium Seed, Cnidium Fruit, Monnier’s Snowparsley,  Shechuangzi, Osthole, Jashoshi, Cnidii Fructus, Jashoshi
Botanical Name:
Cnidium monnieri; fructus

Chinese / Pin Yin Name: She Chuang Zi
Follow your doctor or healthcare professional's advice for how to use this herb.
Do not use if pregnant or nursing.

How To Use Cnidium Fruit 

Cnidium is typically used topically in herbal salves, lotions, rinses, and compresses.   Cnidium may also be used as a tea, decoction, or tincture. Cnidium powder is perfect for making your own fresh filler-free capsules.

Cnidium Herb Category: 
Warm, Bitter, Acrid, Slightly Toxic

Channels: Kidney, Spleen
Cnidium Naturally Occurring Components:  coumarins osthole, imperatorin, xanthotoxol, volatile oils, liposoluble compounds, chromones, monoterpenoid glucosides, terpenoids, glycosides, glucidesn, imperatorin, bergapten, isopimpinellin, xanthotoxol, xanthotoxin, cnidimonal, cnidimarint

Herbs that Combine With Cnidium

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