Shi Chang Pu

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Shi Chang Pu common names, Shi Chang Pu botanical name, Chi Chang Pu precautionsShi chang pu benefits, how to use shi chang pu, what shi chang pu does
Common Names
: Grass leaf Sweetflag Rhizome, 
Myrtle Flag, Flagroot, Acorus Root
Botanical Names: Acorus Gramineus Rhizome, Acorus tatarinowii; Rhizoma
Pin Yin Name: Shi Chang Pu
Shi Chang Pu Dosage: Consult your healthcare professional for correct dosage.
Shi Chang Pu Precautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Avoid long term use. Do not use with Yin Deficiency with Heat signs.

shi chang pu benefits, shi chang pu effects on the body, shi chang pu uses
Shi Chang Pu Benefits & Information

Traditionally Shi Chang Pu refreshes the mind, resolves dampness, harmonizes the stomach, calms the heart, and promotes calmness. The herb has anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-rheumatic and anti-spasmodic properties.

  • Benefits Skin Health
  • Supports Circulatory Function
  • Promotes Healthy Metabolism
  • May Ease Headache Pain
  • Benefits Joint Health
  • Promotes a Positive Mental State

Shi Chang Pu meridians, shi chang pu channels, shi chang pu chemical components, shi chang pu active ingredients
Shi Chang Pu Properties:  Acrid, Slightly Warm, Aromatic
Shi Chang Pu Channels / Meridians: Heart, Stomach Liver
Shi Chang Pu Naturally Occurring Components: Essential Oils, Amino Acids, β-Asarone, Caryophyllene, Sitosterol, Vitamin C 

shi chang pu herbal combinations, herbs that work with shi chang pu
Herbs that Combine with Shi Chang Pu

Codonopsis     Goji Berry     Magnolia Bark     Eclipta


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