Stellaria Root

Review Stellaria Root Forms and Sizes Below

Common Name: Stellaria Root
Botanical Name: Stellariae dichotomae radix
Chinese / Pin Yin Name: Stellaria Root
Stellaria Root Dosage: Follow doctor's instructions on how to use this herb
Stellaria Root Precautions: Do not use if nursing or pregnant. Do not use if flu is present.

Stellaria Root Benefits & Information

Stellaria Root is a well known traditional Chinese medicinal herb known for cooling blood, stopping bleeding, and clearing deficiency heat.
Stellaria Root Properties: Bitter, Cool, Sweet
Stellaria Root Channels: Stomach, Liver
Stellaria Root Chemical Components:
fumaric acid,  6,8-di- C- galactopyranos-ylapigenin6- C- galactopyranosyl- isoscutellerein, Gypsogenin

Herbs that Combine With Stellaria Root

Gardenia Fruit   Artemisia Annua   Codonopsis Root  


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