Wolfberry Fruit

Review Wolfberry Fruit Forms and Sizes Below

Common Name: Wolfberry Fruit, Goji Berry
Botanical Name: Lycium chinense
Chinese / Pin Yin Name: Gou Qi Zi
Consult your healthcare professional for correct use.
Precautions: Do not take if pregnant or nursing.

Wolfberry Fruit Benefits & Information

Wolfberry fruit is a popular Chinese medicinal berry that is used for traditional medicinal formulas but also used in cooking for things like stews, teas, pastries and more. Actions and benefits of Wolfberry fruit includes benefiting eye and brain function, protecting the liver, and is rich in many necessary vitamins.
Wolfberry Fruit Properties:
Neutral, Sweet
Wolfberry Fruit Channels: Lung, Kidney, Liver

Herbs that Combine With Wolfberry Fruit 

Wormwood   Astragalus   Turmeric

References: https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/natural/1025.html, https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Goji-Berry-Cid2341

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