Sweet Annua

Review Forms and Sizes of Sweet Annua Below

Common Names: Sweet Wormwood, Sweet Sagewort, Sweet Anne, Sweet Annua, Herba Artemisiae Annuae
Botanical Name: Artemisia Annua
Chinese / Pin Yin Name: Qing Hao, Ching Hao
Sweet Annua Dosage: Follow doctor's instructions on how to use this herb.
Sweet Annua Precautions:  Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Should not be boiled for a long time.

Sweet Annua Benefits & Information

Sweet Annua is a traditional Chinese herb that as been used for centuries in China for addressing specific microbial imbalances.  Currently Sweet Annua is being studied on its efficacy on fighting Malaria disorders.  Sweet Annua benefits digestion, may be used topically on skin eruptions, may expel parasites, may ease joint pain and benefits the eys. Sweet Annua contains antimicrobial and antifungal properties. The main active ingredient in Sweet Annua is Artemisinin. 
Sweet Annua Properties:  Bitter, Cold
Sweet Annua Channels / Meridians: Kidney, Liver, Gallbladder
Sweet Annua Chemical Components:  Artemisinol, Palmitic acid, Coumarin, Octacosanol, β-Sitosterol, Myrcene, Sesquiterpenes, Flavonoids, Artemetin, Borneol

Herbs That Combine With Sweet Annua

Honeysuckle     Pau d Arco     Raw Rehmannia     Moutain Root

References:  alternativehealing.org, herbpathy.com, http://www.itmonline.org/arts/chinghao.htm

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