Agrimony Herb

Review Forms and Sizes of Agrimony Herb Below 

Common Names: Agrimony herb, Agrimony, Cockleburr, Liverwort, Sticklewort
Botanical Name: Agrimonia pilosa, Agrimonia eupatoria
Pin Yin Name: Xian He Cao
Agrimony Herb Dosage: Consult your healthcare professional for correct dosage.
Agrimony Herb Cautions:  Do not use if pregnant or nursing.  May cause nausea or vomiting.  Do not use if have kidney or liver disease.  Do not use if allergic to roses.

Agrimony Herb Benefits & Information

Traditionally agrimony is used to bind and stop bleeding, check for dysentery and tonifies deficiency.  Agrimony benefits bleeding concerns, respiratory health, menstrual issues, the cardiovasuclar system and the digestive system.  It also rids tape worm.
Agrimony Herb Properties: Sweet, Neutral
Agrimony Herb Channels / Meridians: Heart, Liver
Agrimony Herb Naturally Occuring Components:  agrimophol, agrimonolide, luteoloside, agrimonin A, B, C; tannin acrid steron agrimon A~Z, sterol. saponin, essential oil, Vitamin K1

Herbs That Combine Combine With Agrimony

Fennel     Shepherd's Purse     Bayberry     Self Heal


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