Zhi Ke

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Zhi Ke Promotes the movement of Qi,category-combinations-title.png
Common Name:
Bitter Orange Fruit
Botanical Name: Citrus aurantium fructus
Chinese / Pin Yin Name: Zhi Ke
Dosage: Follow your doctor or health care professional's instructions.
Zhi Ke Precautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing.  Do not use if you have gastric or duodenal ulcers unless under the supervision of our doctor. Consult your healthcare provider before using if taking anticoagulant medications. 

Benefits & Information of Zhi Ke

In traditional Chinese medicine Zhi Ke is used to move the qi, soothe the middle energizer and chest, and relieve distention. Zhi Ke is thought to focus on the health concerns of the chest, stomach, diaphragm, skin, and hair. Zhi Ke has a less purgative effect than immature bitter orange, allowing for a gentler effect. Mature bitter orange eases congestion and phlegm in the chest to support respiratory health and relieves stagnation in the stomach and intestines to promote digestive health.

The cut form of Zhi Ke can be used to make a decoctiontincture, or tea. Powdered Zhi Ke is perfect to make your own fresh, filler free, Zhi Ke capsules or compress.

Zhi Ke Herb Category:  Herbs that Regulate the Qi.
Zhi Ke Properties:
Cold, Bitter
Zhi Ke Channels: Stomach, Spleen
Zhi Ke Chemical Components: Hesperidin, Neohesperidin,  Quinoline

Herbs that Combine With Zhi Ke

Balloon Flower   Cinnamon   White Peony   Bupleurum


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