NuHerbs Lab Tested
Andrographis Herb (Chuan Xin Lian) - Cut Form 1 lb. - Nuherbs
Herbal Information for Andrographis Herb in Cut Form
Sheng Di Huang, also known as Rehmannia Root (Raw), is a powerful herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Unlike its prepared counterpart, Sheng Di Huang is used in its raw form, making it ideal for clearing heat and cooling the blood. Derived from the Rehmannia glutinosa plant, this herb is often recommended for those experiencing symptoms like dry mouth, fever, or irritability due to heat in the body.
"Sheng Di Huang has been my go-to for cooling heat symptoms. The quality is excellent, and I love that it's so easy to use." - Lisa P.
"I’ve noticed a big difference in my energy and overall balance since I started using Sheng Di Huang. Highly recommend!" - Alex R.
Common Name: Rehmannia Root Raw
Botanical Name: Rehmannia glutinosa; Radix
Chinese / Pin Yin Name: Sheng Di Huang
Rehmannia Raw Dosage: Follow healthcare professional or doctor's instructions for use.
Rehmannia Raw Precautions: Do not use if nursing or pregnant. Do not use in large doses. Contraindicated for those with Spleen Deficiency with Dampness.
Rehmannia Raw is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb that not processed, in constrasted to some Rehmannia root that is. This herb nourishes the yin and helps generate fluids. Clearing heat and cooling the blood are also two of its properties.
Rehmannia Raw Properties: Cold, Sweet, Bitter
Rehmannia Raw Channels: Liver, Heart, Kidney
Naturally Occurring Components: Lidoids, leonuride, catalpol, rehmannioside, geniposide, D-mannitol, β-siterol
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