Lycium Bark

Review Lycium Bark Forms and Sizes Below

Common Names:  Lycium Bark, Wolfberry Root Bark, Wolfberry Cortex
Botanical Name:  Lycium Chinese Cortex Radicis,
Lycium Barbarum, Lycium Chinense

Chinese / Pin Yin Name:  Di Gu Pi   
Lycium Bark Dosage:  Consult you healthcare provider for your correct dose.
Lycium Bark Precautions:  Do not use if pregnant or nursing.

Lycium Bark Benefits & Information

Lycium Bark is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to cool the blood,
clear deficiency heat and clear lung heat.  Lycium Bark has stong antioxidants,
antipyretic, adaptogenic, antiaging, analgesic and antibacterial effects.
Lycium Bark Properties:  Sweet, Neutral, Slightly Bitter, Cold
Lycium Bark Channels / Meridians:  Liver, Lung, Kidney
Lycium Bark Naturally Occurring Components:   Betaine,
Pysalien, Atropine, Scopoletin, Trace Minerals, Zeaxanthin, 

Herbs That Combine With Lycium Bark

Morinda     Maca     Rehmannia     Yam Rhizome     Astragalus     Rhodiola


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