
Review Selfheal Herb Forms and Sizes Below

Common Name: Selfheal Herb, Self Heal, Self-Heal, All-Heal, Blue Curls, Brownwort, Prunella Spike
Botanical Name: Prunella Vulgaris Spike
Chinese / Pin Yin Name: Selfheal Herb
Selfheal Herb Dosage: Follow your doctor's instructions for use.
Selfheal Herb Precautions:
Do not use if nursing or pregnant. Use with caution for those with Spleen and Stomach Deficiency and weakness.

Selfheal Herb Benefits & Information

Selfheal Herb is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb that is known for being a "summer-dry" herb that is used when there's a sign of heat and liver constraint. Selfheal Herb clears heat, drains fire, can support and strengthen the kidneys, and can act as a mild diuretic.  Selfheal may benefit digestive health, sore throat and promote wound healing.  Selfheal has antibacterial, antiseptic, and astringent effects.
Selfheal Herb Properties: Cold, Acrid, Bitter, and Slightly Pungent
Selfheal Herb Channels: Liver, Gallbladder
Selfheal Herb Naturally Occurring Components: Prunella vulgaris plant consist of  triterpenoid saponins that is based on the aglycone called oleanolic acid. Other components are glycosides substances like rutin and Hyperoside as well as other organic acids like ursolic acid, caffeic acid, free oleanolic acid,  Vitamin B1, Vitamin C, vitamin K, carotene,  tannins, volatile oils, alkaloids, and potassium chloride.

Herbs that Combine With Selfheal Herb

Agrimony   Scutellaria Baicalensis   Japanese Pagoda Tree 


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