Isatis Leaf (Polygonum tinctorium)

Review Isatis Leaf Forms and Sizes Below

Isatis Leaf common name, Isatis Leaf botanical name, Isatis Leaf Chinese name, Isatis Leaf pin yin name, Isatis Leaf dosage, Isatis Leaf cautionsisatis leaf benefits, isatis root immune support, isatis leaf sore throat, isatis leaf digestion, isatis leaf urinary health, isatis leaf blood cleansing
Common Names:
  Isatis Leaf, Woad Leaf, Indigo Leaf, Polygonum Tinctorium Leaf, Isatidis Leaf, Folium Isatidis
Botanical Name:   Isatis indigotica Folium, Polygonum tinctorium
Chinese / Pin Yin Name:  Da Qing Ye, Liao Da Qing Ye

Isatis Leaf  Dosage: Consult your healthcare provider for your correct dose.
Isatis Leaf  Precautions:  Do not use if pregnant or nursing.   Da Qing Ye is one genus of Isatis root, check the botanical name to ensure you are getting the correct herb.  Each has different properties.

Isatis Leaf benefits, Isatis Leafs uses, what does Isatis Leaf do, Isatis Leaf effects on body, health condition Isatis Leaf treats
Isatis Leaf Benefits & Information

Isatis Leaf is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to clear heat, remove toxins, cool the blood. Isatis leaf has antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Promotes Throat Health
  • Supports a Healthy Immune System 
  • Benefits Digestive Health
  • Supports Urinary Health
  • Benefits Cardiovascular Health
  • Benefits Skin Health
  • Aids in Removal of Toxins From Blood

Isatis Leaf channels, Isatis Leaf meridians, Isatis Leaf taste, Isatis Leaf properties, Isatis Leaf category, Isatis Leaf chemical components, Isatis Leaf active ingredients
Isatis Leaf
 Bitter, Very Cold

Isatis Leaf Channels / Meridians: Heart, Lung Stomach
Isatis Leaf Herbal Category:  Clean Heat, Purge Fire
Isatis Leaf Naturally Occurring Components:   tryptophan, isatan B, glucobrassicin, glucobrassicin-1-sulfonate, indigotin, 1-thiocyano-2-hydroxy-3-butene, adenosine, tryptanthrin, beta-sitosterol, gama-sitosterol, palmitic acid 

Isatis Leaf pairings, herbs to use with Isatis Leaf, herbs that compliment Isatis Leaf, herbal Isatis Leaf combinations
Herbs That Combine With Isatis Lea

Burdock     Scutellaria Baicalensis     Giant Puffball     Zhi Zi     Jin Yin Hua


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