Zedoary Rhizome

Review Zedoary Rhizome Forms and Sizes Below

Common Name: Zedoaria
Botanical Name: Curcuma Phaeocaulis Rhizome
Chinese / Pin Yin Name: E Zhu
Zedoary Rhizome Dosage: Follow your doctor or healthcare professional's instructions.
Zedoary Rhizome Precautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Do not use if excessive bleeding is present.

Zeodary Rhizome Benefits & Information

Zeodary Rhizome is a traditional Chinese herb that is known for many benefits and actions including that it invigorates blood and supports the immune system's defenses.
Zedoary Rhizome Properties:
Slightly Bitter, Acrid, Slightly Fragrant
Zedoary Rhizome Channels:
Spleen, Liver
Zedoary Rhizome Chemical Components:
iscurzerenone,  Pyrocurzerenone,  Zederone,  Zedoarone, Curcumenol, Curcumin


References: https://tcmwiki.com/wiki/e-zhu


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