Calamus Root

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Common Names:
Calamus Root, Bach, Vacha, Sweet Flag, Sweet Sledge, Baje, Bach Agri-turki, Sweet Myrtle, Flagroot, Myrtle Flag

Botanical Name: Acorus calamus
Chinese / Pin Yin Name: Shi Chang Pu

Calamus Root Dosage: Consult your healthcare provider for your correct dose.
Calamus Root Precautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing. For external use only (in baths or herbal extracts). Not for use except under the supervision of an expert qualified in the appropriate use of this substance.

Calamus Root Benefits & Information

Calamus Root is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb used to open orifices, calm the Shen, rid phlegm, resolve dampness, harmonize the stomach and middle Jiao, brighten eyes and improve hearing.  Calamus root benefits the digestive system, supports joint health, benefits circulation, supports cognitive function, benefits the nervous system, and promotes relaxation.  Calamus Root has stimulating, antibiotic, anti-spasmodic, and analgesic effects.
Calamus Root Properties: Acrid, Slightly Warm, Aromatic

Calamus Root Channel / Meridians: Heart, Stomach, Spleen
Calamus Root Naturally Occuring Components:  Acorenone, Acorin, Alpha pinene, Azulene, Beta Asarone, Glucosides, Tannins, Eugenol, Flavones, Camphor, Volitile Oil, Saponins, Gum, Palmitic Acid, Pinene, Resins, Zinc, Starch, Potassium, Phosphorus, Sugar

Herbs That Combine With Calamus Root

Nutgrass     Turmeric     Ashwagandha     He Zi          


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