Comfrey Root

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Common Name:
  Comfrey, Comfrey Root, Knitbone, Healing Herb, Bruisewort, Knitback, Sankootan

Botanical Name:   Symphytum officinale
Comfrey Root Dosage:  Consult your healthcare provider for your corrrect dose.

Comfrey Root Precautions:   Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Do not give to children. Do not use in excess as may cause liver damage.

Comfrey Root Benefits & Information

Comfrey root's medicinal uses have been documented by the Greeks since about 400 B.C.  Comfrey root has a wide range of health benefits and can be used internally or externally in a poultice, compress or salve.  Comfrey root supports healthy digestion, promotes wound healing, benefits skin health, promotes bone healing, supports normal lung function, eases itchy skin and benefits joint health. It has antioxidants, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects.
Comfrey Root Naturally Occurring Components: 
allantoin, rosmarinic, inulin, tannis, saponins, proteins, ascorbic acid, calcium

Herbs That Combine with Comfrey Root

Yellowdock Root     Marshmallow Root     Mullein Leaf     Gravel Root     Plantago


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