
Sheng Di Huang Single Extract Herb 5x Active Herbs

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Herbal Information for Raw Rehmannia Root Single Extract FormSheng Di Huang: A Comprehensive Overview Sheng Di Huang, also known as Rehmannia Root or Raw Rehmannia, is a highly valued herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine…

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Herbal Information for Raw Rehmannia Root Single Extract Form
Sheng Di Huang: A Comprehensive Overview

Sheng Di Huang, also known as Rehmannia Root or Raw Rehmannia, is a highly valued herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is derived from the root of the Rehmannia glutinosa plant, which is native to China.

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What Is Sheng Di Huang - Rehmannia?

Sheng Di Huang, also known as Radix Rehmanniae, is a traditional Chinese herb that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It is believed to have a variety of health benefits, including:

Anti-inflammatory properties: Sheng Di Huang contains compounds that have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, which can help alleviate symptoms of conditions such as arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

Immune system support: Sheng Di Huang has been found to boost the immune system, helping the body fight off infections and illnesses. The herb has immunomodulatory properties that help in strengthening the immune system. It enhances the body's natural defense mechanisms, making it more resilient against infections and illnesses. Regular use of Sheng Di Huang can lead to better immune health and reduced susceptibility to common ailments.

Cardiovascular health: Research has suggested that Sheng Di Huang may have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Promotes Blood Circulation: Sheng Di Huang is known to improve blood circulation, which is essential for maintaining overall health. It helps in preventing blood stagnation, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and ensuring the efficient delivery of oxygen and nutrients to various parts of the body.

Liver protection: Sheng Di Huang has been shown to have a protective effect on the liver, which can be helpful for those with liver disease or damage.  This herb is known for its hepatoprotective properties, meaning it supports and enhances liver function. It helps in detoxifying the liver, promoting the elimination of toxins, and improving overall liver health. Sheng Di Huang is often recommended for individuals with liver conditions such as hepatitis or cirrhosis.

Supports Kidney Health: In TCM, Sheng Di Huang is highly regarded for its ability to nourish and rejuvenate the kidneys. It is believed to enhance kidney function, boost energy levels, and improve overall vitality. The herb is frequently used in formulations to treat conditions such as chronic kidney disease and nephritis.

Anti-aging effects: Some studies have indicated that Sheng Di Huang may have anti-aging properties, potentially reducing the risk of age-related diseases.

Common Name:   Rehmannia Root / Tuber

Botanical Name:  Rehmannia glutinosa root - raw

Channels/Meridians: Heart, Kidney, Liver

Pin Yin Name:    Sheng Di Huang or Di Huang - Sheng

Other Names: Raw Rehmannia Root, Radix Rehmanniae

Other Ingredients: 82% extract + 18% dextrin

Package Size:   100 grams (3.5 Ounces

Form:   5X Granules   

Active Ingredients:  Verbascoside ≥ 0.05 mg/g

Origin: China

Brand: Active Herb

Cautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing.  Do not use in large doses, may cause diarrhea, dizziness, and palpitations.

California Prop 65 

Naturally Occurring Components:   leonurideaucubincatalpolrehmannioside, melittoside, 6-O-Z-feruloy6l ajugol, jioglutoside , D-glucose, D-Galactopyranose, Manninotriose, amino acids

Product Properties: Sweet, Bitter, Cold

What Is The Difference Between Sheng Di Huang And Shu Di Huang?
Key Differences

  1. Preparation:

    • Sheng Di Huang is raw and unprocessed.
    • Shu Di Huang is steamed with rice wine, which makes it warmer and more tonifying.
  2. Temperature:

    • Sheng Di Huang is cool in nature.
    • Shu Di Huang is warm in nature.
  3. Primary Functions:

    • Sheng Di Huang focuses on clearing heat and cooling the blood.
    • Shu Di Huang emphasizes nourishing blood and Yin, and tonifying the kidneys and liver.
  4. Usage Context:

    • Sheng Di Huang is used for acute conditions involving heat.
    • Shu Di Huang is used for chronic conditions involving deficiency.

Understanding the differences between these two forms of Rehmannia root is crucial for their appropriate application in TCM.
Summary of  of Sheng Di Huang   

  • Cools Blood
  • Clears Heat
  • Nourishes Yin
  • Commonly  referred to as "an invigorant for longevity" in Oriental Medical reference manuals

Sheng Di Huang, with its rich history and diverse medicinal benefits, remains a cornerstone in both traditional and modern herbal medicine. Its ability to enhance liver and kidney function, improve blood circulation, and boost the immune system makes it a valuable addition to any wellness regimen. By understanding and incorporating this potent herb into your health routine, you can harness its full potential for improved health and vitality.

Raw Rehmannia Combines With:

+Notoginseng and Raw Rehmannia

+Goji Berry and Raw Rehmannia

+Schisandra and Raw Rehmannia

+Sweet Wormwood and Raw Rehmannia

Check out our How to Use Bulk Herbs page to see how to use herbs correctly. Our web page is constantly expanding, as of today we have articles on:

  • How to make salves, poultice, tinctures, teas, capsules, gargles, and foot bathes
  • How to make a citrus facial splash
  • Cayenne pepper: Caterpillar and aphid spray ( Natural insect repellent )
  • Citrus potpourri basket       

Chinese Traditional herbs should be regarded as a supplementary aspect to modern western healthcare, and not as a replacement. Chinese traditional herbs ( Teas ) emphasize harmony, and balance.

Why use Chinese Bulk Herbs?
Traditional Chinese Medicine curative herbal formulas have been developed, improved and perfected for over 5000 years.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is an ancient, holistic medical system used all over the world to treat a wide variety of health issues. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) works by helping to balance the bodies’ functions thus restoring health.

As soon as the Chinese people began to carve out a civilization in ancient China it developed a cultural heritage that has continued to the present day. TCM is the oldest and one of the safest, effective systems one can use to care for their body, it promotes health and helps to sustain longevity.

Chinese herbs have been with mankind for 5,000 years and will be with us in the years ahead – it is using nature’s bountiful gifts to have good health.   


1 Dharmananda, Subhuti. "Classical Physician Zhang Jingyue: The Rehmannia Doc." Institute for Traditional Medicine. June 2012. <>.

2 Huang Bingshan and Wang Yuxia. Thousand Formulas and Thousand Herbs of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Vol. 2. 1993 Heilongjiang Education Press, Harbin.

3 Cheung CS and Hirano M (translators), Huang BM. A brief discussion of the use of radix rehmannia by the ancient master Zhang Jingyue. Journal of the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1982 (4): 33-37.

Sheng Di Huang Single Extract Herb 5x Active Herbs
