Eucommia Bark

Review Eucommia Bark Forms and Sizes Below

Common Name: Eucommia Bark
Botanical Name: Eucommia ulmoides, Cortex Eucommiae Ulmoidis
Chinese / Pin Yin Name: Du Zhong
Eucommia Bark Dosage:  Consult your healthcare provider for your correct dose.
Eucommia Bark Precautions: Do not use if nursing or pregnant.  Consult your healthcare provider before using if taking blood pressure medication.

Eucommia Bark Benefits & Information

Eucommia Bark is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to tonify the liver and kidneys, strenghtens bones and tendons, prevent abortion and tonify the yang, In Chinese medicine Eucommia Bark is the tonic herb of choice.  It is a tonic herb that strengthens structural tissue and improves structural competency at a fundamental level. Eucommia bark is a superb Yang Jing tonic. Eucommia Bark benefits the cardiovascular system, supports bone health, promotes circulation and benefits the immune system.  It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antibiotic and sedative effects.
Eucommia Bark Properties: Sweet, Slightly Acrid, Warm
Eucommia Bark Channels / Meridians: Liver, Kidney 
Eucommia Bark Naturally Occuring Componets:  flavonone, glucose, glucosamine, glycosides, naringin, propelargonidins, starch

Herbs That Combine With Eucommia Bark

Fu Zi     Shu Di Huang     Du Huo     Xu Duan     Da Zao     Tu Si Zi


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