Fu Xiao Mai

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Fu Xiao Mai common names, Fu Xiao Mai botanical names, Fu Xiao Mai Chinese Name, Fu Xiao Mai pin yin name, iFu Xiao Mai precautions, Fu Xiao Mai allergy information
Common Name:
 Immature Wheat Grain, Light Unripened Wheat Grain,
Fu Shui Mai, Fu Mai, Unripe Wheat Grain 
Botanical Name:  Triticum aestivum fruit
Pin Yin Name:  Fu Xiao Mai
Fu Xiao Mai Dosage: Consult your healthcare professional for correct dosage.
Fu Xiao Mai Precautions:  Do not use if pregnant or nursing.
  Not to be used in stopping sweating caused by cold or influenza.
Allergy note:  Contains wheat and may contain gluten.

Fu Xiao Mai benefits, uses forFu Xiao Mai, what is Fu Xiao Mai used for, Fu Xiao Mai benefits to body

Fu Xiao Mai Benefits & Information 

Fu Xiao Mai is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb that strengthens
 superficies to check sweating, replenishes qi, clears heat and promotes calmness.

  • Supports Restful Sleep
  • Benefits Mood
  • Benefits Gastrointestinal Health

Fu Xiao Mai channels, Fu Xiao Mai meridians, Fu Xiao Mai taste, Fu Xiao Mai chemical components, Fu Xiao Mai active ingredients
Fu Xiao Mai Properties:
 Sweet, Salty, Cool

Fu Xiao Mai Channels / Meridians: Heart, Spleen, Kidney
Fu Xiao Mai Naturally Occurring Components:  starch, protein, fat, vitamin B, vitamin E

herbal formulas with Fu Xiao Mai, herbs that complement Fu Xiao Mai, herbs that work with Fu Xiao Mai
Herbs That Combine With Fu Xiao Mai

Astragalus Root     Oyster Shell     Schisandra Fruit     White Peony   



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