Hong Zao

Shop Hong Zao Forms and Sizes of Bulk Herbs Below Hong Zao digestive health benefits. A Geo-Authentic herb.

Common Name: 
 Chinese Dates Chinese Red Date, Red Jujube Fruit, Jujube, Korean Date, Indian Date, Van Ber

Botanical Name:  Ziziphus Jujuba Fructus- Red
Chinese / Pin Yin Name:  Hong Zao
Hong Zao Dosage: Consult your healthcare provider for your correct dose.
Hong Zao Precautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing.

Hong Zao Benefits & Information

Hong Zao is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to tonify the qi and spleen, nourish the blood and promote peacefulness.  Hong Zao supports liver health, promotes calmness and emotional well-being, supports digestive healtah and benefits restful sleep.  
Hong Zao Herb Category: 
Herbs that Tonify the Qi
Hong Zao Properties 
: Sweet, warm

Hong Zao Channels / Meridians: Stomach, Spleen
Hong Zao Naturally Occurring Components: amino acids, flavonoids, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin A, iron beta sitosterol potassium, calcium, mangnesium, phosphorus, daucosterol, betulinic acid, fiber, tannins, stigmasterol, steric acid, rutin, palmitoleic acid

Herbs That Combine With Hong Zao

Astragalus     Codonopsis     Dong Quai     Licorice     Rehmannia     Schisandra     Eleuthero Root


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