NuHerbs Lab Tested
Andrographis Herb (Chuan Xin Lian) - Cut Form 1 lb. - Nuherbs
Herbal Information for Andrographis Herb in Cut Form
Sheng Di Huang is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb that not processed, in contrast to some Rehmannia root that is.
This herb nourishes the yin and helps generate fluids. Clearing heat and cooling the blood are also two of its properties.
Sheng Di Huang is a medicinal herb known for its sweet and bitter taste, and it is believed to have a cooling effect on the body. This herb is commonly used to treat various conditions that are caused by excessive heat in the body. It can help to eliminate internal heat, lower body temperature, nourish the body's yin energy, and promote the production of bodily fluids.
Sheng Di Huang is particularly effective in providing relief in conditions where the heat has reached the Ying level, leading to symptoms such as high fever that worsens at night, restlessness, excessive thirst, and a bright red tongue. It can also be used to address conditions where the body lacks fluids due to a deficiency in Yin energy.
Rehmannia, also known as Sheng Di huang in Chinese, was first mentioned in ancient Chinese medical texts during the Han Dynasty. Its Chinese name translates to "Big Yellow" or "Fresh Yellow Earth". The species is called "glutinosa" due to its sticky and sweet nature, which is believed to help calm and settle Qi energy, allowing it to flow smoothly. To prepare Rehmannia root in traditional Chinese medicine, it is typically steamed ten times and sun-dried nine times. In TCM, it is often further steamed in wine until it turns black and moist, and it is used to stop bleeding when charred. Rehmannia is also referred to as "the kidney's own food" and has been traditionally used as a tonic for the kidneys and overall health and well-being.
Common Name: Rehmannia Root Raw, Chinese Foxglove
Botanical Name: Rehmannia glutinosa; Radix
Chinese / Pin Yin Name: Sheng Di Huang
Sheng Di Huang Dosage: Follow the healthcare professional or doctor's instructions for use.
Sheng Di Huang Precautions: Do not use if nursing or pregnant. Do not use in large doses.
Contraindicated for those with Spleen Deficiency with Dampness.
Sheng Di Huang Properties: Cold, Sweet, Bitter
Sheng Di Huang Channels: Liver, Heart, Kidney
Naturally Occurring Components: Lidoids, leonuride, catalpol, rehmannioside, geniposide, D-mannitol, β-siterol
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