Aromatic Substances that Open the Orifices

The Role of Aromatic Herbs in Opening Orifices: Insights from TCM

Aromatic Substances that Open the Orifices

Substances that open the orifices which are aromatic.  They open the sense organs and restore consciousness.   These substances are used when heat attacks the pericardium or turbid phlegm mist the heart.    Manifestations included loss of consciousness, delirium, epilepsy, convulsions, or coma from windstroke.   

Defined by:  Handbook of Medicinal Plants; edited by Zohara Yaniv, Uriel Bachrach

These herbs are typically strong-smelling and pungent, helping to stimulate the mind and restore consciousness. They are divided into two categories:

  1. For Cold Disorders – Used when collapse is due to Cold (e.g., fainting due to Yang Deficiency).
  2. For Heat Disorders – Used when collapse is due to Heat (e.g., febrile diseases, stroke, or high fever).

Common Herbs That Open the Orifices

Herb NameBotanical NameFunction in TCM
She Xiang Moschus (Deer Musk) Strongly opens orifices, revives consciousness, invigorates blood
Su He Xiang Styrax Opens orifices, clears phlegm, revives consciousness from cold disorders
Bing Pian Borneol Clears heat, opens orifices, relieves pain
Shi Chang Pu Acorus Rhizome Transforms phlegm, calms the mind, improves memory and cognition
Niu Huang Cattle Gallstone Clears heat, resolves toxicity, opens orifices

When Are These Herbs Used?

✅ Emergency Situations – Sudden fainting, loss of consciousness, stroke recovery
✅ Mental Fog & Cognitive Support – Shi Chang Pu is used to enhance mental clarity
✅ Severe Phlegm Obstruction – When mucus blocks the mind, causing confusion or sluggishness
✅ High Fever or Heat Stroke – Herbs like Bing Pian and Niu Huang help clear excess heat

Important Note: Many of these herbs are potent and should be used under the guidance of a qualified TCM practitioner. Some (like She Xiang) are rare and ethically controversial due to animal sources.