Plum Flower Concentrated Powder

Chinese Dates Red Da Zao Extract Pwd 100gr Plum Flower

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What is Red Jujube Fruit (Red Dates)? Red jujube fruit, also known as red dates or Chinese dates, is a small, sweet fruit widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Asian cuisines. Despite being called a "date…

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What is Red Jujube Fruit (Red Dates)?

Red jujube fruit, also known as red dates or Chinese dates, is a small, sweet fruit widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Asian cuisines. Despite being called a "date," it comes from the jujube tree (Ziziphus jujuba), which is native to China. This fruit is prized not only for its sweet, chewy texture but also for its numerous health benefits. Red dates are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a valuable food for promoting overall health.

Health Benefits of Red Jujube Fruit

  1. Boosts Immune System: Red dates are high in vitamin C and antioxidants, which help strengthen the immune system and fight off infections.

  2. Improves Digestion: The dietary fiber in red dates helps regulate bowel movements and improves digestive health, preventing issues like constipation.

  3. Promotes Blood Circulation: In TCM, red jujube is often used to nourish the blood and improve circulation, making it useful for those with anemia or low energy levels.

  4. Supports Mental Health: Red dates contain saponins, which have been linked to reducing stress and promoting better sleep quality.

  5. Enhances Skin Health: The high antioxidant content of red dates helps protect the skin from free radicals and aging, promoting a youthful complexion.

  6. Energy Boost: Rich in natural sugars and carbohydrates, red jujube fruit provides a quick and sustained energy boost, making it ideal for combating fatigue.

Why Red Jujube Works

Red jujube fruit is effective due to its rich composition of vitamins (especially vitamin C and B-complex vitamins), minerals (like iron and potassium), and powerful antioxidants like flavonoids and polysaccharides. These compounds work together to:

  • Protect cells from oxidative stress and inflammation.
  • Boost energy levels by supporting metabolism and nourishing the blood.
  • Enhance immune function, making it easier for the body to fight off diseases and maintain overall wellness.

How to Use Red Date Powder Extract

Red date powder extract is a convenient way to incorporate the benefits of red dates into your daily routine. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Add to Smoothies: Mix a teaspoon of red date powder extract into your smoothies for a natural energy boost and added nutrients.

  2. Herbal Teas: Stir the powder into hot water or herbal tea to enjoy its benefits. It pairs well with other herbal ingredients like ginger or goji berries.

  3. Baking: Use red date powder in baked goods like cookies, muffins, or energy bars as a natural sweetener and to boost nutritional value.

  4. Porridge or Oatmeal: Sprinkle the powder over your morning oatmeal or porridge for a subtle sweetness and added health benefits..

In TCM, red dates are highly regarded for their ability to "tonify" or strengthen the blood, spleen, and stomach, which is essential for energy production and overall vitality.

Herbal Information on Red Jujube Fruit in Extract Powder Form

Common Name: Red Jujube Fruit

Botanical Name:  Ziziphus Jujuba Fruit- Red

Channels/Meridians: Stomach, Spleen

Other Names: Jujube, Chinese Date, Fructus Zizyphi Jujubae

Pin Yin Name:  Hong Zao

Other Ingredients:  Dextrin (non GMO corn) 

Package Size:  100 grams (3.5 oz.)

Form:  Single Herb Extract Powder

Dosage: Consult your healthcare professional for correct dosage.

Origin: China

Brand:  Plum Flower

Cautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing.

California Prop 65

Naturally Occurring Chemical Components:  Organic acids, 3-O-trans-p-counmaroyl maslinic acid, Stepharine,  6, 8-di-C-glucosyl-2 (S)-naringenin; 6, 8-di-C-glucosyl-2, sugar, Vitamin C, riboflavine, thiamine, carotene, nicotinic acid, sitosterol, stigmasterol, desmasterol, resin, catechol, tannin, essential oil, amino acids, selenium, calcium, phosphorous,  iron, cAMP and cGMP

Additional Information for Hong Zao

  • Tonify qi
  • Tonify spleen
  • Nourish blood
  • Induce tranquilization

Product Properties: Sweet, Warm

 black jujube fruit, da zao, da zao hei, traditional bulk herbs, bulk tea, bulk herbs, teas, medicinal bulk herbs

What's In A Name?

Da Zao and Hong Zao are both types of jujube fruit, but they differ in their preparation and usage in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

  • Da Zao (大枣) translates to "big date" and refers to the fresh or semi-dried version of the jujube fruit. It is typically plump and juicy, often used for its ability to tonify blood and improve digestion. It’s known for supporting the spleen and stomach, boosting energy, and calming the mind.

  • Hong Zao (红枣) translates to "red date" and refers to the fully dried and often wrinkled version of the jujube fruit. Hong Zao is more concentrated in flavor and nutrients due to the drying process. It’s primarily used to nourish the blood, improve circulation, and strengthen the immune system. Hong Zao is often used in teas, soups, and other decoctions in

 Check out our How to Use Bulk Herbs page to see how to use herbs correctly. Our web page is constantly expanding, as of today we have articles on:

  • How to make salves, poultice, tinctures, teas, capsules, gargles, and foot bathes
  • How to make a citrus facial splash
  • Cayenne pepper: Caterpillar and aphid spray ( Natural insect repellent )
  • Citrus potpourri basket       


About Plum Flower Quality Herb Powders

Plum Flower is an established worldwide manufacturer of high-quality Chinese herbs, and innovative Chinese medicinal herbs and products. Plum Flower uses sulfur-free herbs and laboratory tests its products for contamination and heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, and pesticides.                                    

  • Made at GMP internationally certified facilities (Good Manufacturing Practices) Quality control tests are done at the manufacturing site and at third party labs to confirm results.
  • Manufactured using Unsulfured, Chlorine free, Aluminum Phosphate free herbs when possible.
  • Microbials and heavy metals tested. No preservatives.

Manufacture's Statement:   It is important to note that Plum Flower formula extract powders do not contain any excipients. They are spray-dried directly from the condensed herbal decoction, and the resulting powder is the natural yield of the formulation.   Individual herbs can vary significantly in the amount of dissolved solids they yield during extraction. Many do not have the needed substance to form a powder, and our single herb extract powders contain a pharmaceutical-grade, non-GMO corn-based dextrin when necessary.

Traditional Chinese Herbs

Chinese Traditional herbs should be regarded as an added feature to modern western healthcare, and not as a replacement. Chinese traditional herbs (Teas) emphasize harmony, and balance.                                                


Chinese Dates Red Da Zao Extract Pwd 100gr Plum Flower
