Huang Bai

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Huang Bai (黄柏), known as Phellodendron bark, is a significant herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Here’s a detailed overview:
Huang Bai, or Phellodendron bark, is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb renowned for its cooling properties and ability to clear internal heat and dampness. In TCM, it is used to address conditions such as urinary tract infections, inflammatory disorders, and digestive issues caused by excess heat and dampness. With a bitter flavor and cold nature, Huang Bai is commonly incorporated into herbal formulas to balance the body's internal environment. Historically valued and referenced in classical texts like the "Shennong Bencao Jing," Huang Bai has a long-standing reputation for its effectiveness in reducing inflammation and promoting overall wellness.

TCM Classification of Huang Bai - Phellodendron Bark

  • Name: Huang Bai (黄柏)
  • Botanical Name: Phellodendron amurense or Phellodendron chinense
  • Nature: Cold
  • Flavor: Bitter
  • Meridians: Primarily affects the Kidney and Bladder meridians

How It Works

Huang Bai is used in TCM for its cooling properties and its ability to clear heat and dampness from the body. Its main actions include:

  • Clearing Heat: Huang Bai is effective in reducing internal heat, particularly in cases of excessive heat affecting the urinary tract or digestive system.
  • Drying Dampness: It helps to alleviate conditions caused by dampness, such as urinary tract infections and certain types of diarrhea.
  • Anti-inflammatory: The herb has anti-inflammatory properties that can be beneficial in treating conditions like arthritis or inflammatory skin conditions.

History and Folklore

  • Ancient Use: Huang Bai has been used for centuries in Chinese herbal medicine. It is frequently mentioned in classical Chinese texts such as the "Shennong Bencao Jing" (Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica), which dates back to the Han Dynasty. The herb was highly valued for its ability to clear internal heat and treat various types of infections and inflammation.
  • Folklore: In traditional Chinese culture, Huang Bai was considered a remedy for conditions related to excess heat and dampness. Its use was often accompanied by folklore that attributed its medicinal properties to its ability to balance the body's internal environment, thus preventing and treating diseases associated with heat and dampness.

How to Use


Phellodendron bark and it many health benefits. A natural and organic herb.

Typical Dosage:

  • Decoction: The typical dosage is about 5-10 grams of dried Huang Bai bark per day, often used in combination with other herbs in a formula.
  • Powder/Capsule: Follow the dosage instructions provided on the product or by a healthcare practitioner.

Formulas: Huang Bai is often used in combination with other herbs to address specific conditions. Some well-known formulas that include Huang Bai are:

  • San Huang San: For clearing heat and dampness.
  • Xie Xin Tang: Used to clear heat from the stomach and intestines.

Common Name: Phellodendron Bark, Phellodendron Chinense Bark, Amur Cork Tree Bark, Cortex Phellodendri
Botanical Name: Phellodendron Chinense, Phellodendron Amurense
Chinese / Pin Yin Name: Huang Bai, Huang Bo

Huang Bai Dosage: Consult your healthcare provider for your correct dose.
Huang Bai Precautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing.  Do not use with weak stomach or spleen conditions.  It can have a strong effect on the body, so proper dosage and use under professional guidance are important.

Summary of Huang Bai Health Benefits 

Huang Bai is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to clear heat, dry dampness, purge fire, remove toxicity and subdue deficiency heat.  Huang Bai benefits digestion, supports cardiovascular health, benefits urinary tract health and promotes skin health.  It has antimicrobial, antibacterial, antipyretic and diuretic effects.
Huang Bai Properties:  Bitter, Cold

Huang Bai Channels / Meridians:  Large Intestine, Gallbladder, Kidney, Bladder
Huang Bai Naturally Occurring Components:  berberine, jatrorrhizine, magnoflorine, phellodendrine, candicine, palmatine, menisperine, obaculactone, obacunone, obacunonic acid, dictamnolide, lumicaeruliec acid, 7-dehydrostigmasterol, beta-sitosterol, campesterol, lumicaeruleic acid, dictamnolide

Herbs That Combine With Huang Bai

Astragalus     Shu Di Huang     Huang Qin     Huang Lian     Lian Qiao     Yi Yi Ren


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