Ren Dong Teng (Honeysuckle Vine) - Health Benefits, Uses, and Natural Remedies
Ren Dong Teng, also known as honeysuckle stem (Lonicera japonica), is a fundamental component of traditional Chinese medicine, celebrated for its exceptional medicinal attributes. This herb demonstrates powerful antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a reliable remedy for addressing inflammation and infections. Widely applied in the treatment of fevers, sore throats, flu, and skin infections, it also contributes to reducing body heat and providing relief during illness. Ren Dong Teng promotes digestive and urinary wellness while supporting the body's detoxification processes. Its extensive array of medicinal advantages encompasses antioxidant, fever-reducing, and antispasmodic effects.
Common Name: Honeysuckle Vine
Botanical Name: Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Meridians / Channels: Heart, Lung
Pin Yin Name: Ren Dong Teng
Other Names: Honeysuckle Stem, Lonicera japonica, Thousand pieces of Gold Vine, Left Twisting Vine, Lonicera Vine, Caulis Lonicerae, Ren Dong
Other Ingredients: None, nothing has been added to this product.
Package Size: 500 Grams ( 1.1 pounds)
Form: Cut / Sliced - sizes vary
Origin: China
Brand: Plum Flower, species - authenticated herbs
Cautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Do not use with spleen deficiency,
May interfer with medications
Naturally Occurring Components: chlorogenic acid, isochlorogenic acid, loganin, secologanin dimethylacetal, vogeloside, hederagenin-3-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl(1→2)-α-L-arabinopyranoside
Additional Information: Sweet, Cold
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) this herb is used to clear heat, purge fire and detoxify.
- Supports Healthy Immunity
- Promotes Healthy Digestive System
- Benefits Urinary Health
- Promotes The Body's Natural Detoxification Process
Note: Honeysuckle Flowers have slightly different medicinal properties than Honeysuckle Vine. Consult a health care practitioner for guidance.Chinese herbs have been with mankind for 5,000 years and will be with us in the years ahead – it is using nature’s bountiful gifts to have good health.
Use Honeysuckle Vine & Stem to make a honeysuckle vine decoction or honeysuckle vine tincture.
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