Past and Present newsletters

In the past, our newsletter delved into the rich history and cultural significance of various bulk herbs and teas, exploring their traditional uses and medicinal properties. We took our readers on a journey through time, uncovering ancient herbal remedies and the art of tea preparation across different civilizations. By sharing this knowledge, we aimed to deepen the appreciation for the natural wisdom embedded in these botanical treasures. Our newsletters featured informative articles on the origins of popular herbs, spices  and teas, shedding light on their diverse flavors, aromas, and holistic benefits.


**The Impact Of Holiday Stress On Our Immune System**


Gan Mao Jie Du Chong Ji Kudzu & Honeysuckle Combination Instant Herbal Beverage - 40% off when you buy 2 bags. A powerful immune-boosting tea to help combat colds, flu, and stress naturally during the holiday season.

1st Chinese Herbs - Your medicinal herbal supplier.  Cut, Whole & Powdered Herbs, Teapills, Extracts, Supplements & Supplies

Understanding Stress, Colds, and Flu During the Holidays: A Perilous Cycle

The holiday season, a time when joy should reign supreme, often hides a more sinister force lurking just beneath the surface. As twinkling lights go up and holiday parties fill the calendar, another unseen guest often joins the festivities: stress. But this isn't just any stress—it's the kind that can chip away at your defenses, leaving your body vulnerable to an inevitable foe: the dreaded cold or flu.

What if the very thing that fills your heart with joy—celebrations, family gatherings, gift-giving—is quietly weakening your body? How could something so simple as stress leave you wide open for illness? What you might not realize is that holiday stress isn't just an emotional burden; it's a physical one, too. A burden that, if left unchecked, can open the floodgates to the colds and flu that seem to circle during the winter months like vultures.

The Link Between Holiday Stress and Illness

Picture this: You're racing through a crowded mall, checking off your holiday list, preparing meals, and organizing gatherings. Your heart pounds, your mind races—there's too much to do, and not enough time to do it. Little do you know, while you're battling deadlines and decisions, your immune system is quietly waving a white flag.

Stress has a powerful ally—cortisol, a hormone meant to help you handle short bursts of tension. But here's where the problem begins. When stress lingers, cortisol production goes into overdrive. And instead of helping, it begins to turn against you, weakening the very walls meant to keep you safe from sickness. With each passing day, your immune system falters, leaving the door wide open for unwelcome guests like the common cold or the flu.

A Dangerous Equation

High stress + high cortisol = a weakened immune system. It's a formula you may not have even realized you were solving every holiday season. But why, exactly, does this happen? Why does stress, that fleeting feeling of being overwhelmed, have the power to make you more susceptible to illness? Imagine this: each time cortisol surges through your body, it puts your immune defenses on pause. Your white blood cells—the soldiers in your immune army—are momentarily sidelined, leaving you exposed to the viruses that thrive in the cold.

What if all this time, the joy of the holidays came with a hidden cost? What if there was a way to break free from the relentless grip of stress, keeping your immune system strong and your holiday season flu-free? You've seen the signs—rushing, worrying, the tightness in your chest—but is there a way to escape this vicious cycle?


The Real Question

As the season of joy approaches, will you be among those who succumb to holiday stress and illness, or is there a solution waiting just around the corner? Could there be a way to enjoy the festivities while staying healthy, to battle stress without letting it conquer your immune system?

The answer might be closer than you think. But here's the real cliffhanger: what if you could discover how to outsmart this dangerous equation, avoiding both stress and sickness entirely?

In part two of this series, we'll unravel the secrets behind stress-busting herbs and ancient remedies that have kept holiday stress—and illness—at bay for centuries. Could this be the key to reclaiming your holiday health, or will stress continue to hold the upper hand?

Stay tuned. Get ready for Part Two, coming to your email inbox within a week!



Sale Ends in 7 Days

Use coupon code FJ119M33M44   for 15% off your entire order of $50 or more. 



Gan Mao Jie Du Chong Ji, is a traditional Chinese herbal formula commonly used for the prevention and treatment of common colds and flu-like symptoms. The name "Gan Mao Jie Du Chong Ji" translates to "Common Cold Relieving".  This herbal remedy is believed to help boost the body's immune system and relieve symptoms associated with viral infections. Here are some potential benefits of Gan Mao Jie Du Chong Ji:

  1. Immune Support: Gan Mao Jie Du Chong Ji is believed to stimulate the body's immune system, helping it combat viral infections more effectively. Read More

What Customers Are Saying About Gan Mao Jie Du Chong Ji

"A Lifesaver During Cold Season!"
"I've been using Gan Mao Jie Du Chong Ji for years, and it never disappoints! The moment I feel a cold coming on, I take this tea, and it stops the symptoms in their tracks. It's my remedy for staying healthy, especially during the busy holiday season. I highly recommend it!"
— Sarah L.

"Fast Relief When You Need It Most!"
"I was skeptical at first, but after trying Gan Mao Jie Du Chong Ji, I'm a believer. I had a cold that just wouldn't go away, but after drinking this tea, I felt better within a day. It's quick, easy to prepare, and works wonders. I keep a few bags on hand all winter long!"

Gan Mao Jie Du Chong Ji Kudzu & Honeysuckle Combination Instant Herbal Beverage
 40% off when you buy 2 bags.



7 Key Insights into Cholesterol: Your Guide to a Healthier Heart and Liver


Understanding Cholesterol – The Good, The Bad, and The Essential

Introduction to Cholesterol: What Is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is essential to life, found in every cell of the body. It serves as a building block for the production of hormones, such as estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol, which regulate numerous physiological processes. Cholesterol is also vital for the synthesis of vitamin D, which is necessary for bone health and immune function, and it contributes to the formation of bile acids that aid in the digestion and absorption of dietary fats.

Despite its importance, cholesterol can become a health concern when its levels in the bloodstream rise too high. Excess cholesterol, particularly low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, can accumulate in the walls of arteries, leading to the formation of plaques. These plaques narrow the arteries and restrict blood flow, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, while cholesterol is indispensable for many bodily functions, maintaining balanced levels is critical to preventing serious health issues. Read More


Final Thought

Thank you for being a part of our crew,
Your presence means more than you ever knew!
Remember, small steps can lead to great gain,
In managing stress and easing your strain.

We're here to help, each step of the way,
To keep you healthy, come what may.
Stay optimistic, stay strong, stay bright,
And cherish each moment, day or night.

Until next time, keep shining so clear,
Spreading your joy, far and near.
Sending warm wishes for peace to stay,
And a stress-free season, day by day!

Your Friends at 1st Chinese Herbs 

Enjoy our photo of the week. 
