Plum Flower Concentrated Powder

Scutellaria Root Huang Qin Extract Pwd 100gr Plum Flower

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Herbal Information on Scutellaria Root in Extract Powder Form What is Huang Qin? Huang Qin, also known as Scutellariae Baicalensis, is a traditional Chinese herb revered for its cooling and detoxifying properti…

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Herbal Information on Scutellaria Root in Extract Powder Form

What is Huang Qin?

Huang Qin, also known as Scutellariae Baicalensis, is a traditional Chinese herb revered for its cooling and detoxifying properties. This herb is particularly effective in dealing with ailments related to heat and inflammation. Think of it as a herbal firefighter, cooling down your internal system and soothing your discomfort.

The primary part of the plant used is its root, which is rich in flavonoids—compounds known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. This makes Huang Qin a valuable addition to your herbal medicine cabinet, especially if you're prone to thirst, cough, headaches, or any form of irritability due to excessive internal heat.

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Benefits of Huang Qin

1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

One of the standout benefits of Huang Qin is its ability to reduce inflammation. If you’re struggling with inflammatory conditions like arthritis or skin rashes, this herb can help soothe the inflammation, much like a cool compress on a hot day.

2. Antioxidant Power

Huang Qin is packed with antioxidants, which help fight free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells, leading to aging and various diseases. By incorporating Huang Qin into your routine, you’re essentially giving your body a protective shield against oxidative stress.

3. Supports Respiratory Health

If you’re dealing with cough or respiratory issues, Huang Qin can be a soothing remedy. It helps clear out phlegm and reduces irritation in the respiratory tract, much like how a warm bowl of soup can comfort a sore throat.

4. Liver Detoxification

Your liver is like the body’s filtration system, and Huang Qin helps keep it running smoothly by supporting its detoxifying functions. This is particularly beneficial if you’ve been exposed to environmental toxins or indulge in a less-than-ideal diet occasionally.

5. Relief from Headaches

For those pesky headaches and migraines, Huang Qin can offer relief by reducing the inflammation and cooling down the body, much like a refreshing breeze on a hot day.

Why Use Single Herb Extract Granules?

You might wonder, why opt for single herb extract granules when there are so many forms of herbal remedies available? Here’s why:

1. Concentrated and Convenient

Granules are a concentrated form of the herb, meaning you get a higher dose of the active compounds in a smaller amount. They are easy to use and perfect for busy individuals who need a quick and effective solution.

2. Easy to Dose

Unlike raw herbs or teas where the potency can vary, granules provide a consistent dose every time. This ensures you get the exact amount you need without any guesswork.

3. Long Shelf Life

Granules have a longer shelf life compared to fresh or dried herbs. They are less likely to lose their potency over time, making them a reliable option for long-term use.

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How to Prepare Huang Qin Granules

1. Measuring the Right Amount

Start by measuring the recommended amount of Huang Qin granules. For most adults, this is typically about 1 to 2 grams per dose. You can use a kitchen scale for accuracy.

2. Mixing with Water

Add the granules to a cup of warm water. Stir well until the granules are completely dissolved. The warmth of the water helps activate the herb’s properties, making it more effective.

3. Drinking the Mixture

Drink the mixture immediately. It might taste a bit bitter—a common characteristic of many potent herbs. If the bitterness is too much, you can add a bit of honey or lemon to improve the taste.

4. Adjusting the Flavor

If the flavor is too intense, try using more water next time or mixing the granules into a larger beverage, like herbal tea.

When to Take Huang Qin Granules

Timing your intake can enhance the benefits of Huang Qin. Here’s when to take it for optimal results:

1. Morning Routine

Taking Huang Qin in the morning can help kickstart your body’s detox processes and prepare you for the day.

2. After Meals

If you’re dealing with digestive issues or gallbladder discomfort, taking Huang Qin after meals can aid digestion and alleviate symptoms.

3. Before Bed

For headaches or irritability that interfere with sleep, a dose of Huang Qin before bed can help calm your system and promote restful sleep.

Combining Huang Qin with Other Herbs

Huang Qin can be even more effective when combined with other herbs. Here are some popular combinations:

1. With Licorice

Licorice can help balance the bitterness of Huang Qin and enhance its anti-inflammatory effects, making it a great pairing for conditions like coughs and sore throats.

2. With Peony

Peony is often combined with Huang Qin to help with digestive issues and irritability, creating a soothing blend that calms the stomach and the mind.

3. With Ginger

Ginger adds a warming quality that balances the bitter cold nature of Huang Qin, making it a suitable combination for conditions like thirst and gallbladder discomfort.

Potential Side Effects

While Huang Qin is generally safe, there are a few potential side effects to be aware of:

1. Gastrointestinal Discomfort

Some people may experience stomach upset or diarrhea, especially if they take too much. If this happens, try reducing the dosage or taking the herb with food.

2. Allergic Reactions

Although rare, some individuals may have an allergic reaction to Huang Qin. Symptoms can include rash, itching, or difficulty breathing. If you notice any of these signs, stop using the herb and consult a healthcare provider.

3. Interaction with Medications

Huang Qin may interact with certain medications, especially blood thinners or medications for high blood pressure. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any new herbal regimen.


1. What are the benefits of Huang Qin for the gallbladder?

Huang Qin helps support the gallbladder by promoting bile flow and reducing inflammation, which can aid in digestion and alleviate discomfort.

2. Can I take Huang Qin granules if I have a cough?

Yes, Huang Qin is effective in soothing coughs and clearing phlegm from the respiratory tract, making it a great remedy for respiratory issues.

3. Is Huang Qin safe for children?

Huang Qin can be safe for children, but it’s important to use a lower dose and consult a healthcare provider to ensure it’s appropriate for your child’s specific needs.

4. How does Huang Qin help with headaches?

Huang Qin helps reduce headaches by lowering inflammation and cooling down the body, which can relieve pain and discomfort.

5. Can I combine Huang Qin with other Chinese herbs?

Yes, Huang Qin is often combined with other Chinese herbs like licorice, peony, and ginger to enhance its therapeutic effects and create balanced herbal formulas.

6. Can Huang Qin help with Lyme disease?

Huang Qin is known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which can be beneficial in managing symptoms of Lyme disease. It helps reduce inflammation and may support the body in fighting off the bacteria associated with Lyme disease, providing relief from symptoms such as joint pain and fatigue.

Common Name:  Skullcap Root, Baiscal skullcap root, Scutellaria, Scute
Botanical Name: Scutellaria baicalensis radix
Pin Yin Name:  Huang Qin
Other Ingredients:  Dextrin (non GMO corn)
Package Size:  100 grams (3.5 oz.)
Form:  Single Herb Extract Powder
Origin: China
Brand:  Plum Flower
Cautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing.  Should not be taken by patients diagnosed with blood deficiency.
California Prop 65
Naturally Occurring  Components:  flavonoids, β-sitosterol, campessterol, stigmasterol, proline, glucose, sucros
Channels/Meridians: Gallbladder, Liver, Lung, Stomach

Summary of Huang Qin - Scutellaria Root 

  • Has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine and has a wide range of beneficial properties.
  • It has therapeutic benefits for several medical conditions.
  • Clears Heat
  • Sedates liver yang rising
  • Dries dampness
  • Drains fire

Product PropertiesBitter, Cold

Huang Qin Combines With:





Check out our How to Use Bulk Herbs page to see how to use herbs correctly. Our web page is constantly expanding, as of today we have articles on:

  • How to make salves, poultice, tinctures, teas, capsules, gargles, and foot bathes
  • How to make a citrus facial splash
  • Cayenne pepper: Caterpillar and aphid spray ( Natural insect repellent )
  • Citrus potpourri basket       

About Plum Flower Quality Herb Powders

Plum Flower is an established worldwide manufacturer of high-quality Chinese herbs, and innovative Chinese medicinal herbs and products. Plum Flower uses sulfur-free herbs and laboratory tests its products for contamination and heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, and pesticides.

  • Made at GMP internationally certified facilities (Good Manufacturing Practices) Quality control tests are done at the manufacturing site and at third party labs to confirm results.
  • Manufactured using Unsulfured, Chlorine free, Aluminum Phosphate free herbs when possible.
  • Microbials and heavy metals tested. No preservatives.

Manufacture's Statement:   It is important to note that Plum Flower formula extract powders do not contain any excipients. They are spray-dried directly from the condensed herbal decoction, and the resulting powder is the natural yield of the formulation.   Individual herbs can vary significantly in the amount of dissolved solids they yield during extraction. Many do not have the needed substance to form a powder, and our single herb extract powders contain a pharmaceutical-grade, non-GMO corn-based dextrin when necessary.

Traditional Chinese Herbs

Chinese Traditional herbs should be regarded as an added feature to modern western healthcare, and not as a replacement. Chinese traditional herbs (Teas) emphasize harmony, and balance. 


Scutellaria Root Huang Qin Extract Pwd 100gr Plum Flower
