Below is a chart on the terminology and definitions used on this website. To see how the different parts of a plant are used, see our Parts of Plants page. You can also see our How to Use Bulk Herbs page for more information or our Products A-Z Page to see a list of all of our products. Looking for Traditional Chinese Medicine Terminology? We have that as well.
TCM Terminology
Adaptogen | Works with the adrenal glands to combat stress. Adaptogens usually have no side effects. |
Alterative | Gradually restores the proper function of the body. They act to alter the body's processes of metabolism so tissues can best deal with everything from nutrition to elimination. |
Analgesic | Reduces and eliminates pain. |
Anodyne | Soothing, relaxing, elimination of pain. |
Aperient | An aperient herb acts as a mild laxative by stimulated evacuation of the bowels. |
Aperitive | Stimulates the appetite. |
Aphrodisiac | Arouses or intensifies sexual desire. |
Antacid | Neutralizes or counteracts acid in the stomach. |
Anthelmintic | Expels or destroys parasitic intestinal worms. |
Anti-bilious | Helps combat excessive urination by promoting a healthy gallbladder and liver. |
Antibiotic | Destroys or inhibits the growth of microorganisms used to treat infectious diseases. |
Anti-candidal | Helps combat yeast on the skin or mucous membranes. |
Anti-carcinogenic | Prevents the development of cancer. |
Anti-catarrhal | Help removes excess mucous from various parts of the body. |
Anti-emetic | Prevents or stops vomiting. |
Antifungal | Prevents or destroys fungi associated with fungal infections. |
Anti-inflammatory | Reduce inflammation. They are good for the relief of aches and pains, but inflammation is usually only a symptom of an underlying problem. |
Antilithic | Destructive to gall, kidney and/or bladder stones. |
Anti-microbial | Helps the body resist pathogenic micro-organisms which in turn strengthens the immune system. |
Antioxidant | Prevents or delays deterioration caused by oxidation. |
Antiparasitic | Destroys or inhibits the growth of human or animal parasites. |
Antipyretic | Reduces fever. |
Anti-rheumatic | Can help ease the pain of rheumatoid arthritis or other muscle/joint conditions. |
Anti-scorbutic | Can cure or prevent scurvy. |
Antispasmodic | Eases muscle tension and spasms. Can help relieve cramps and sometime psychological tension as well. |
Antiseptic | Prevents infection by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms. |
Antitussive | Relieves or suppresses coughing. |
Aromatic | Fragrant. |
Astringent | Bind mucous membranes, skin and other exposed tissue. When used to stop internal or external bleeding it is called styptic. |
Bitter | Herbs that taste bitter are good for the whole body, especially the digestive system. |
Calmative | A sedative having relaxing effects on the body. |
Carminative | Carminatives stimulate the digestive tract to work properly. They ease digestive pains and help remove gas. |
Cathartic | Purges the bowels, such as a laxative. |
Cholagogue | Stimulates the flow of bile from the liver. |
Demulcent | Soothe and protect irritated and inflamed internal tissue. When a demulcent herb is used externally, it is called an emollient. |
Detoxicant | Removes or diminishes poisons from the body. |
Diaphoretic | Increases perspiration. |
Digestant | Aids or stimulates digestion. |
Discutient | Serves to disperse morbid matter. |
Diuretic | Increases the amount of urine expelled from the body. Diuretics usually have other beneficial actions to the urinary system. |
Emmenagogue | Promotes normal and regular menstrual flow. Emmenagogue is also used to describe herbs that are beneficial to anything in the female reproductive system. |
Emollient | Soothes and protects irritated or inflamed skin. |
Expectorant | Removes excess mucous from the lungs. |
Febrifuge | Reduces fever. |
Fungicide | Prevents or destroys fungi associated with fungal infections. |
Galactagogue | Promotes the secretion and flow of milk. |
Hemostatic | Stops bleeding or hemorrhaging. |
Hepatic | Good for the overall health of the liver which in turn is good for the overall health of your body. They can be used to detoxify the liver. |
Hormonal | Effects hormones to stimulate physiological activity such as growth. |
Hypertensive | Increase low blood pressure. |
Hypotensive | Reduce elevated blood pressure. |
Immunostimulant | Stimulates and strengthens the immune system. |
Insecticide | Kills insects. |
Laxative | Stimulates the evacuation of the bowels. |
Lithotriptic | Dissolves gall, bladder and kidney stones. |
Mucilant | Acts as a laxative. |
Nervine | A nervine herb will be in some way beneficial to the nervous system. |
Nutritive | Nourishing to the body. |
Oxytocic | Induces childbirth by stimulating contractions of the uterus. |
Parasiticide | Destroys parasites. |
Pectoral | Good for treating disorders of the chest and lungs. |
Proliferant | Increases the growth of cells. |
Pungent | Having an acrid taste or smell. |
Refrigerant | Acts as a cooling agent to reduce fever. |
Rubefacient | Irritating to the skin. |
Sedative | Sedatives relax, soothe and tranquilize to relieve anxiety, stress, irritability and are effective as sleep aids. |
Sialagogue | Increases the flow of saliva. |
Soporific | Induces sleep. |
Stimulant | Quickens and excites physical activity in the body. |
Stomachic | Stimulates digestion in the stomach. |
Styptic | Binds tissue to stop internal or external bleeding. |
Sudorific | Increases perspiration. |
Tonic | Restores, refreshes and invigorates the body. |
Vasoconstrictive | Constricts blood vessels. |
Vasodilator | Dilates the blood vessels causing relaxation and rest. |
Vermifuge | Expels intestinal worms. |
Vulnerary | Used in the healing of wounds. |