This difficult to say as we are not doctors. Most people who call are asking about Lyme disease dosages. In very general terms, it is best to start with a very small amount, such as 1/16th of a teaspoon or less and figure out where your tolerance level is. The dosages will vary due to weight, absorption, other herbs used, and digestion issues. Most of all, you should take the amount that your health care professional states or what the bottle states. There is a children's dosage guideline called Clark's Rule written by Mitchell Stoklosa and Howard Ansel. It is always recommended that you check with your health care provider before starting any new herb or supplement.
1st Chinese Herbs
Sharing the wealth of good health because you come first!
- Vijayan Arun, V.B. Liju, John J.V. Reena, B. Parthipan, C. Renuka. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 2007, 6(4), 589-594.