NuHerbs Lab Tested
Andrographis Herb (Chuan Xin Lian) - Cut Form 1 lb. - Nuherbs
Herbal Information for Andrographis Herb in Cut Form
Common Name: Apricot Seed, Apricot Kernels, Chinese Almond, Apricot Almonds, Amygdalin, Amygdaline, Bitter Almond, Kurmani ka Beej, Semen pruni armeniacae
Botanical Name: Prunus armeniaca seed, Prunus sibirica, Prunus mandshurica
Pin Yin Name: Nan Xing Ren, Xing Ren, Xing Ren, Bei Xing Ren
Bitter Apricot Seed Dosage: Follow your doctors' instructions on how to use this herb.
Bitter Apricot Seed Precautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Not recommend for small children. Xing Ren contains hydrogen cyanide which is strong toxin.
Allergy Alert: Contains Tree Nuts
Bitter apricot seeds (kernels) are located inside an apricot pit. The hard outer shell (endocarp) is removed to obtain the seeds (kernels). For external use apricot seed is often ground and added to skin care products as an exfoliant benefiting skin health. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) bitter apricot seed is used to relieve cough, expel phlegm, ease breathing, moisten the intestines, and relax the bowels. Recent studies have shown the high fat content in bitter apricot seeds may promote healthy cholesterol levels. Bitter apricot seeds offer a variety of health benefits. Bitter apricot seed benefits respiratory health with properties that soothe dry wheezing coughs and ease difficult breathing. The natural laxative effect of bitter apricot seed aides with occasional constipation and benefits normal bowel function. Other benefits of bitter apricot seed are cardiovascular health and skin health.
Bitter apricot seeds can only be eaten raw in small amounts due to its high toxicity. Consult your healthcare provider for an appropriate and safe dosage. Cooking bitter apricot seeds can hydrolyze the hydrogen cyanide making it non-toxic. Soak the bitter apricot seeds in water and then cook thoroughly before eating them. Bitter Apricot Seeds can be made into a decoction by itself or with other herbs and drunk as a bitter apricot seed tea.
Bitter Apricot Seed Herb Category: Herbs that Transform Phlegm and Stop Coughing: Herbs that Relieve Coughing and Wheezing
Bitter Apricot Seed Properties: Slightly Warm, Bitter, Slightly Toxic
Bitter Apricot Seed Channels / Meridians: Lung, Large Intestine
Bitter Apricot Seed Naturally Occurring Components: Emulsin, amygdalase, γ-estradiol, α-estradiol, vitamin E, amygdalin, vitamin B17
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