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Southern Ginseng? Jiao Gu Lan? What Is That?
In recent years, a plant known as Jiao Gu Lan has started to gain attention for its numerous health benefits. This herb, native to China, has been utilized in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries for its healing properties. But what exactly is Jiao Gu Lan and how can it benefit your health?
Jiao Gu Lan, scientifically known as Gynostemma pentaphyllum, is a green leafy herb that belongs to the cucumber and gourd family. It is commonly referred to as "Southern Ginseng" due to its similar properties to traditional Ginseng. This plant thrives in the mountains of southern China and other parts of Asia.
Jiao Gu Lan is known for its pleasant, slightly sweet taste, often compared to green tea with a hint of bitterness. Its versatility allows it to be incorporated into various recipes, providing a refreshing and invigorating flavor.
Jiao Gu Lan offers a myriad of health benefits, such as:
Jia Gu Lan Is Rich In History
Village of Longevity: In a remote mountain village in southern China, it was said that the villagers lived remarkably long lives, often exceeding 100 years. The secret to their longevity was believed to be Jiaogulan tea, which they drank daily. This story spread, leading to the herb's nickname, "immortality herb."
Emperor’s Discovery: Legend has it that during the Ming Dynasty, an emperor searching for the elixir of life discovered Jiaogulan. The emperor noticed that those who consumed the herb had enhanced vitality and longer lifespans. He then decreed that Jiaogulan be grown and consumed by his court for health and longevity.
Healing the Warriors: In ancient times, a famous Chinese general used Jiaogulan to heal his soldiers after battles. According to the tale, the herb helped them recover quickly from their wounds and fatigue, allowing them to continue fighting with renewed strength and vigor.
The Wise Hermit: A hermit living in the mountains was known for his wisdom and robust health, despite his advanced age. When asked about his secret, he attributed his well-being to a special tea made from Jiaogulan leaves. His story spread among the local people, who began to seek out the herb for its health benefits.
The Farmer’s Miracle: A poor farmer in ancient China, struggling with illness, discovered Jiaogulan growing wild near his home. After consuming the herb regularly, his health dramatically improved, and he became known for his strength and vitality. The story of the farmer's miraculous recovery was passed down through generations, highlighting Jiaogulan's reputed healing properties.
Is Jiao Gu Lan A True Ginseng? No, But The Health Benefits Are Simiar.
Jiaogulan is not part of the ginseng family (Araliaceae). It belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, which includes cucumbers, melons, and gourds. The reason it is often called "Southern Ginseng" is due to its similar adaptogenic properties and health benefits that resemble those of true ginseng (Panax ginseng). This nickname highlights its traditional use and reputation for promoting longevity, boosting energy, and enhancing overall health, similar to how ginseng is revered in traditional medicine. The term "Southern" refers to its prevalent use and cultivation in southern regions of China.
What is Jiao Gu Lan?
Jiao Gu Lan, also known as Gynostemma pentaphyllum, is a climbing vine native to China, Japan, and Vietnam. It is a traditional herb used in Chinese medicine for its various health benefits.
How to use Jiao Gu Lan?
Jiao Gu Lan can be consumed in various forms such as tea, capsules, or tinctures. It can be brewed as a tea by steeping dried leaves in hot water or taken in supplement form as per recommended dosage. Consult a healthcare provider before incorporating Jiao Gu Lan into your routine, especially if on medication or pregnant.
What are the health benefits of Jiao Gu Lan?
Jiao Gu Lan is believed to have numerous health benefits, including antioxidant properties, immune system support, improved cardiovascular health, and anti-inflammatory effects. It may also aid in weight management, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.
Research articles supporting the health benefits of Jiao Gu Lan
Incorporating Jiao Gu Lan into your daily routine can be a simple yet effective way to boost your overall health and well-being. Whether you choose to enjoy it as a soothing tea or include it in your favorite recipes, the benefits of this incredible herb are undeniable. Experience the wonders of Jiao Gu Lan and harness its natural healing powers today!
Remember, before incorporating any new herb into your diet, it's always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any existing medical conditions or are pregnant or nursing.
Common Names: Southern Ginseng, Sweet Tea Vine, Herba Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Qi Ye Dan, We Ye Shen, Immortality Herb
Botanical Name: Gynostemma pentaphyllum
Chinese / Pin Yin Name: Jiao Gu Lan
Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Herb Dosage: Consult your healthcare provider for your correct dose.
Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Herb Precautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing.
Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Herb is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to clear heat, remove toxicity, stop cough and rid phlegm. Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Herb supports healthy cholesterol levels, promotes circulation, benefits liver function, promotes energy, supports a positive mental state, benefits athletic performance and protects kidney function. This herb contains anti-aging, adaptogen, antioxidant, detoxicant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and calming effects.
Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Herb Properties: Bitter, Sweet, Cold
Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Herb Channels / Meridians: Lung, Spleen, Kidney
Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Herb Naturally Occurring Components: Saponins, sugar, vitamins, malonic acid, amino acids, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, calcium