Bupleurum Root

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Common Name:
  Bupleurum Root, Hare's Ear, Radix Bupleuri, Thorowax Root, Saiko

Botanical Name:  Bupleurum Chinensis
Chinese / Pin Yin Name:  Chai Hu

Bupleurum Root Dosage:  Consult your healthcare provider for your correct dose.
Bupleurum Root Precautions:  Do not use during pregnancy or while using antibiotics. Can cause headaches.

Bupleurum Root Benefits & Information

First recorded in the Shennong Bencao Jing, a famous monograph of Chinese medicine in 200 AD, Bupleurum root has had a long tradition of medicinal use for a variety of health concerns.  Research has found Bupleurum root contains compounds that show anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antimicrobial, antiviral, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective, and immunomodulatory effects.

In traditional Chinese medicine bupleurum root is thought to regulate the external and internal metabolisms. Traditionally it is used to disperse heat and fever, soothe the liver, release liver depression, and raise the yang qi.  Bupleurum root is a popular tonic and is used any many traditional Chinese herbal formulas.  Studies have found bupleurum root benefits liver health, supports the digestive system, promotes a positive mental outlook, supports the natural cleansing action of the liver, benefits the immune system, promotes a healthy cardiovascular system, and benefits nervous system health.

The cut form of Bupleurum root can be used to make a tea, decoction, or tincture.  Bupleurum root powder is great to make your own fresh filler-free bupleurum capsules.
Bupleurum Root Properties: Bitter Acrid, Cool

Bupleurum Root Channels: Liver, Gallbladder, Pericardium, Triple Fire, Spleen
Bupleurum Root Naturally Occurring Components:  β-terpinene, limonene, β-fenchene, pulegone, isoborneol, β-terpineol, α-copaene, humulene, a-farnesene, aromadendrene, cis-caryophyllene, trans-caryophyllene, β-elemene, gamma-muurolene, patchoulane, nootkatone, ledol, Saponins, 

Herbs That Combine With Bupleurum Root

Bitter Orange     Astragalus     Cnidium     Kudzu     Ginger     Pinella     Scullcap     Nutgrass


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