Coptis Root

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Common Name:
  Coptis, Coptis Rhizome, Golden Thread Rhizome, Rhizoma coptidis, Chuan Lian

Botanical Name:  Coptis Chinensis Rhizoma
Chinese / Pin Yin Name:  Huang Lian

Coptis Root Dosage: Consult your healthcare provider for your correct dose.
Coptis Root Precautions:  Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Do not take while also taking tetracycline. Do not use for an extended period of time. Should not be used by children.

Coptis Root Benefits & Information

Coptis root is a traditional Chinese herb to clear heat, dry dampness, purge fire and relieve toxicity.  Coptis root has many health benefiting properties including supporting healthy digestion and can be used topically promote healing of sores, supports oral health and circulation. Coptis root has antibiotic effects.
Coptis Root Properties: Bitter, Cold

Coptis Root Channels / Meridians:  heart, lower intestine, liver, stomach
Coptis Root Naturally Occurring Components:  Berberine, Colchicine, Coptisine, Worenine, Magnoflorine 

Herbs That Combine With Coptis Root

Magnolia Bark     Lian Qiao     Jin Yin Hua     Licorice Root     Zhi Zi


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