Dittany Root - Bark

Review Dittany Root Bark Forms and Sizes Below 

Common Names: Chinese Dittany Root, Dictamnus dasycarpus root-bark, Dittany Root, Dittany Root Bark, White Fresh Bark, Burning Bush Root
Botanical name:  Dictamnus albus
Pin Yin Name: Bai Xian Pi
Dittany Root Dosage: Consult your healthcare professional for your correct dosage.
Dittany Root Precautions: Do not use if nursing or pregnant. Do not use in cases of spleen or stomach deficiency. 

Dittany Root Benefits & Information

Dittany Root is used in traditional Chinese medicine to clear heat, relieve toxicity and calm itching. Dittany root bark supports healthy skin and reduces inflammation.  Dittany Root has antifungal and detoxicant properties.
Dittany Root Properties:  Cold, Bitter, Pungent
Dittany Root Channels / Meridians: Spleen, Stomach, Lung, Liver
Dittany Root Naturally Occurring Components:  dictamnine, skimmianine, γ-fagarine, preskimmianine, isomaculosindine, limonin, dictamnolactone, obakunone, dasycarpamin, obacunonic acid, fraxinellone, trigonelline, choline, beta-stosterol, acidic substances, saponins

Herbs That Combine With Dittany Root

Ai Ye     Cang Er Zi      Bai Ji Li      Tu Fu Ling  

 http://alternativehealing.org/bai_xian_pi.htm, https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Bai-Xian-Pi-Cid5144

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