NuHerbs Lab Tested
Andrographis Herb (Chuan Xin Lian) - Cut Form 1 lb. - Nuherbs
Herbal Information for Andrographis Herb in Cut Form
He Huan Pi (Albizia Bark): The Ancient Remedy for Emotional Well-Being and Vital Energy
He Huan Pi, also known as Albizia Bark or Mimosa Tree Bark, has been revered in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries as a powerful herb for calming the mind, invigorating blood circulation, and restoring emotional balance. Known as the "Herb of Happiness," it is traditionally used to ease stress, relieve anxiety, support restful sleep, and promote a free flow of Qi (vital energy). With its ability to harmonize the Heart and Liver meridians, He Huan Pi is a key herbal remedy for those seeking emotional resilience, mental clarity, and holistic well-being. Whether consumed as a tea, tincture, or herbal blend, this ancient botanical offers a natural path to inner peace and vitality.
Common Name: Albizia Bark, Albizzia Bark, Mimosa Tree Bark, Persian Silk Tree, Pink Silk Tree, Cortex Albizziae Julibrissin, Herb of Happiness
Botanical Name: Albizia Julibrissin
Chinese / Pin Yin Name: He Huan Pi
Albizzia Bark Cautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Do not use with colds or influenza. May impair judgement, do not use while driving or heavy machinery.
Traditionally Albizzia Bark relieves Liver Qi and resolves edema. Albizzia bark is a powerful antioxidant. Albizia bark, has several different spellings. In several reference manuals the spellings may vary such as Albizzia, Albizia, Allibizia. When translating the words He Huan Pi from Mandarin to English we get " Meet and Enjoy the Bark".
Health Benefits of He Huan Pi
In a recent study conducted by health experts, the remarkable health benefits of Albizzia Bark have been uncovered, shedding light on the natural remedy's potential to promote overall well-being and improve quality of life. Albizzia Bark, derived from the Albizia tree native to Asia and Africa, has been found to possess a myriad of therapeutic properties that make it a valuable asset in traditional medicine practices.
One of the key health benefits of Albizzia Bark is its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the body and alleviate symptoms of various inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, joint pain, and skin disorders. Additionally, Albizzia Bark is known for its antioxidant properties, which can help combat oxidative stress and protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
Moreover, Albizzia Bark has been found to have calming and sedative effects, making it a natural remedy for managing stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders. By promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality, Albizzia Bark can help enhance mental well-being and overall cognitive function.
Furthermore, Albizzia Bark has been shown to support respiratory health by acting as an expectorant and helping to relieve coughs, asthma, and other respiratory conditions. Its antiviral and immunomodulatory properties also contribute to its potential in boosting the immune system and fighting off infections.
In conclusion, the health benefits of Albizzia Bark are vast and diverse, making it a valuable natural remedy with a wide range of therapeutic applications. Whether used in traditional medicine or as a supplement, Albizzia Bark stands out as a promising ally in promoting health and vitality.
Yes, He Huan Pi is traditionally used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to address deep emotional distress, grief, and trauma-related symptoms. It is classified as a Shen-calming herb, meaning it has the ability to stabilize emotions, soothe the mind, and restore emotional equilibrium.
Important Note: He Huan Pi should be used as part of a comprehensive healing approach, including therapy and lifestyle changes.
Yes, He Huan Pi can help improve focus, mental clarity, and attention regulation by calming excess nervous system activity and improving blood flow to the brain.
Yes, He Huan Pi can help regulate hormones, balance emotions during PMS, and reduce menstrual-related mood swings.
Yes, He Huan Pi is traditionally used for chronic pain, inflammation, and fibromyalgia due to its ability to move blood, regulate Qi, and reduce nervous system hypersensitivity.
Yes, He Huan Pi is increasingly used in skincare formulations due to its ability to reduce stress-induced aging, improve collagen synthesis, and protect against glycation damage.
Albizzia Bark Properties: Sweet, Neutral
Albizzia Bark Channels / Meridians: Heart, Liver
Albizzia Bark Naturally Occurring Components: Saponin, Tannin, 4-penten-2-one
3 Methods On How To Use He Huan Pi
When it comes to utilizing albizzia bark, there are several effective methods that can be employed to harness its benefits. One of the most common ways to use albizzia bark is by preparing it as a tea. This can be done by boiling the bark in water to create a soothing and fragrant herbal infusion that can promote relaxation and calmness. Another method is to extract the active compounds from the bark by tincturing it in alcohol. This can help preserve the beneficial properties of the bark for long-term use. Additionally, albizzia bark can also be ground into a fine powder and encapsulated for convenient consumption.