NuHerbs Lab Tested
Andrographis Herb (Chuan Xin Lian) - Cut Form 1 lb. - Nuherbs
Herbal Information for Andrographis Herb in Cut Form
Common Names: Southern Ginseng, Sweet Tea Vine, Herba Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Qi Ye Dan, We Ye Shen, Immortality Herb
Botanical Name: Gynostemma pentaphyllum
Chinese / Pin Yin Name: Jiao Gu Lan
Jiao Gu Lan Dosage: Consult your healthcare provider for your correct dose.
Jiao Gu Lan Precautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing.
Jiao Gu Lan is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to clear heat, remove toxicity, stop cough and rid phlegm. Jiao Gu Lan supports healthy cholesterol levels, promotes circulation, benefits liver function, promotes energy, supports a positive mental state, benefits athletic performance and protects kidney function. This herb contains anti-aging, adaptogen, antioxidant, detoxicant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and calming effects.
Jiao Gu Lan Properties: Bitter, Sweet, Cold
Jiao Gu Lan Channels / Meridians: Lung, Spleen, Kidney
Jiao Gu Lan Naturally Occurring Components: Saponins, sugar, vitamins, malonic acid, amino acids, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, calcium
How To Brew The Leaves.
Add ½ teaspoon of the cut leaves per 1 cup of hot water.
Let the water and herb infuse (steep) for 15 minutes.
Once the desired steeping time is completed, strain the leaves from the liquid.
Drink once the tea has cooled down.
Additional Information on Gynostemma Pentaphyllum
Support Normal Cholesterol Levels
Promotes Circulation
Benefits Liver Function
Promotes Natural Energy
Aids in a Positive State of Mind
Improves Athletic Performance
Protects Kidney Function
Commonly known as the Immortality Herb: An anti-aging, longevity tonic herb and heart tonic.
It is reinforcing to overall health and has a strong anti-fatigue effect.
Supports the immune system. Has adaptogen properties. Used for a variety of health complaints.
Contains 82 saponins, some of which are directly related to the ginsenosides found in ginseng root.
Jiao Gu Lan in cut form is perfect for making tea from, or a decoction.
Time Tested by herbalists as Chinese Immortality Herb, our bulk lab tested loose leaf jiao gu lan is naturally sweet and brews a bright green delicious caffeine-free herbal tonic tea.
Recent science proves it's a potent AMPK activator, adaptogen and antioxidant.
Supports healthy immune system, memory and cognition.
More about Jiao Gu Lan
One of the most interesting aspects of Jiao Gu Lan is its known as an adaptogen.
What is an adaptogen? According to Healthline: "Adaptogens are herbal pharmaceuticals. They work to counteract the effects of stress in the body. Stress causes very real physical changes in the body, including harming the neurological, endocrine, and immune systems. Adaptogens have stimulant properties that help counteract those harmful effects."
In a study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics researches gave overweight men and women Jiao Gu Lan for 16 weeks. Once the 16 week study was completed the researches then rechecked their body mass. The jiao gu lan group showed a significant reduction in total body weight, body mass index (BMI), and total fat mass.
Another study which was completed in 2019 study in South Korea looked at 72 people with a history of chronic stress and anxiety. Half of them were given an extract made from jiaogulan leaves, while the others received a placebo. They continued taking the supplement for eight weeks while they were routinely assessed for stress. The authors found lower stress levels in the Jiao Gu Lan (jiaogulan) group, but said additional studies are needed to explore this further.
Folk Tale about Jiao Gu Lan
Folk Tale state that the Chinese Emperor Fu Shou (lucky immortal) was busy visiting a distant region of his empire one day. Needing to stop for a short break, his servants boiled some water for everyone to drink (as was their custom to sanitize the water). As the water boiled, a few leaves fell into the pot and an aromatic liquid was infused. The Emperor Fu Shou was intrigued by this and drank some and found it very refreshing, slightly bitter and a little sweet. Thus Gynostemma tea was discovered.
By the 13th century Gynostemma tea appears in Chinese meditation texts. By the 16th century, the immortality herb is listed in a variety of holistic texts throughout China.
In the 70s, a nationwide census in China identified a mountainous area with the largest percentage of centenarian inhabitants. Research into the lifestyle of these centenarians revealed a common dietary element; they all drank Gynostemma tea regularly.