Raspberry Fruit

What Is Fu Pen Zi (Raspberry Fruit) Used For In Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Fu Pen Zi (Rubus chingii), commonly known as Chinese Raspberry Fruit, is a nutritious and medicinal berry used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for its tonifying and restorative properties. Unlike common raspberries, Fu Pen Zi is highly valued for its ability to nourish the kidneys, support reproductive health, and improve vision. It is primarily grown in China, Japan, and Korea, where it thrives in temperate forested regions.

Historical and Cultural Significance

Fu Pen Zi has been an essential part of Chinese herbal medicine for centuries, traditionally used in formulations designed to preserve essence (Jing), strengthen the kidneys, and improve fertility.

  • Ancient Chinese Medicine: Mentioned in classical texts as an herb to "consolidate the essence", meaning it prevents the loss of vital fluids.
  • Daoist Practices: Consumed by monks and healers for its reputed longevity-enhancing properties.
  • Imperial Use: Used by emperors seeking to maintain youthful vigor and reproductive strength.

Phytochemical Composition

Fu Pen Zi is nutrient-dense, packed with bioactive compounds that contribute to its health benefits:

  • Flavonoids & Anthocyanins – Powerful antioxidants that protect against oxidative damage.
  • Ellagic Acid – Known for its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Polysaccharides – Support immune function and energy production.
  • Essential Minerals (Zinc, Iron, Magnesium) – Important for hormonal balance and reproductive health.

what are the health benefits of fu pen zi raspberry fruit, how does it work, how to use raspberry fruit, how to make a tea from raspberry fruit

Traditional Uses

With its long-standing use in TCM and increasing scientific recognition, Fu Pen Zi remains a highly valued herbal superfood for kidney health, vitality, and longevity.

By incorporating Fu Pen Zi into daily herbal routines, individuals can enhance kidney function, boost reproductive health, support vision, improve endurance, and slow down aging naturally.

Review Available Raspberry Fruit Forms and Sizes Below

Common Names:  Raspberry Fruit, Palm Leaf Raspberry Fruit, Fructus Rubi, Chinese Raspberry
Botanical Names:  Rubus chingii, Fructus, Rubus corchorifolius, Rubus foliolosus, Rubus palmatus, Rosa coreanus, Rosa idaeus
Chinese / Pin Yin Name:  Fu Pen Zi
Raspberry Fruit Dosage: Consult your healthcare provider for your correct dose.
Raspberry Fruit Precautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing.

Raspberry Fruit Benefits & Information

Raspberry Fruit is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to secure essence, reduce urination, tonify the liver, tonify the kidneys and benefit vision.  Raspberry Fruit supports the immune system, benefits sexual and reproductive function and promotes hair health.  Raspberry Fruit is high in iron and vitamin C and has astringent and antiviral effects.
Raspberry Fruit Properties:  Sweet, astringent, slightly warm
Raspberry Fruit Channels / Meridians:  Kidney, liver
Raspberry Fruit Naturally Occurring Components: ellagic acid, beta sitosterol, esculetin, esculin, imperatorin, kaempferol, hyperoside, tilroside p-hydroxybenzonic acid, vanilllic acid, salicylic acid, ferulic acid, shikmic acid, daucostero, alpha-D-glucose, sugar

Herbs That Combine With Raspberry Fruit

Fenugreek Seeds     Dodder Seed     Schisandra Fruit     Polygala Root     Psoralea Fruit


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