Xing Ren

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Common Name:
  Apricot Seed
Botanical Name:  Prunus armeniaca ansu seed
Pin Yin Name:  Nan Xing Ren, Xing Ren
Xing Ren Dosage:  Follow doctors instructions on how to use this herb.
Xing Ren Precautions:  Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Not recommend for small children.  Xing Ren contains hydrogen cyanide which is strong toxin.  
Allergy Alert:  Contains Tree Nuts

Xing Ren Benefits & Information

Xing Ren is a Traditional Chinese Herb that was used to relieve cough, expel phlegm and ease breathing. It moistens the intestines to relax the bowels.  Apricot Seed's pin yin name Nan Xing Ren translates to Southern Xing Ren. Xing Ren is commonly used to relieve coughing and wheezing. It aslo benefits joint health, supports cardiovascular health and boosts the immune system.

Xing Ren can be used to make a tea, decoction, or tincture.  Powdered Xing Ren is perfect for making your own fresh filler-free Xing Ren capsules
Xing Ren Herb Category:  Herbs that Transform Phlegm and Stop Coughing: Herbs that Relieve Coughing and Wheezing
Xing Ren Properties: 
Slightly Warm, Bitter, Slightly Toxic
Xing Ren Channels / Meridians: Lung, Large Intestine
Xing Ren Naturally Occurring Components: Emulsin, amygdalase, γ
-estradiol, α-estradiol, vitamin E


Herbs That Combined with Xing Ren

Ginger     Polygala Sibirica


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