Coix Seed

What Is Coix Seed - Yi Yi Ren In Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Coix seed, also known as Yi Yi Ren in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is a commonly used herb known for its ability to strengthen the spleen, eliminate dampness, and promote the smooth flow of water in the body. It is particularly effective in treating conditions related to dampness, such as edema, diarrhea, and joint pain, by promoting urination and resolving stagnation. Coix seed is also valued for its ability to support digestive health, ease inflammation, and enhance overall immunity. Additionally, it has a mild, nourishing quality that makes it suitable for long-term use in tonifying the body, improving skin conditions, and supporting lung health. Its versatility and gentle action make coix seed a staple in many TCM formulations aimed at balancing and harmonizing the body's internal environment.

Historically, Yi Yi Ren was used not just for its medicinal properties but also as a food staple in various cultures, particularly during times of scarcity. It was believed that its regular consumption could prevent illness and provide the necessary strength to endure hardships. This dual role as both food and medicine solidified its importance in traditional practices and cultural rituals across Asia.

Shop Coix Seed Forms and Sizes Below

Common Name:  
Coix Seed, Semens Coicis, Job's Tears, Adlay Millet, Chinese Pearl Barly, Soft-Shelled Job's Tears, Yi Hato-Mugi
Botanical Name:  Coix lacryma jobi; Semen, Xoix Lacrymal
Chinese / Pin Yin Name:  Yi Yi Ren, Shen Nong Ben Cao JIng
Coix Seed Dosage:  Consult your healthcare provider for your correct dose.
Coix Seed Precautions:  Do not use if pregnant or nursing. 

Coix Seed Benefits & Information

Coix Seed is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb that is used to drain dampness, support healthy digestion, clears heat, and provides botanical support for fluid balance. Coix Seed supports muscle and skeletal health, benefits the urinary system and promotes healthy digestion.
Coix Seed Herb Category: 
Herbs That Relieve Dampness (Diuretics)
Coix Seed Properties: 
Bland, Slightly Cool, Sweet 
Coix Seed Channels: 
Stomach, Lung, Spleen 
Coix Seed Naturally Occurring Components: 
Protein, starch, oil, palmitic acid, myristic acid 

Herbs that Combine With Coix Seed

Longan   Apricot Kernal   Stephania Tetandra   Ginger


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