Job's Tear Seed

Review Job's Tears Forms and Sizes Below

Common Name: Coix Seed
Botanical Name: Coix lacryma jobi; Semen
Chinese / Pin Yin Name: Yi Yi Ren
Job's Tears Dosage: Follow doctor's instructions.
Job's Tears Precautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing.

Job's Tears Benefits & Information

Job's Tears is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb that is used to drain dampness, support healthy digestion, clears heat, and provides botanical support for fluid balance.
Job's Tears Properties:
Bland, Slightly Cool, Sweet
Job's Tears Channels:
Stomach, Lung, Spleen
Job's Tears Chemical Components:
Protein, starch, oil, palmitic acid, myristic acid

Herbs that Combine With Job's Tears

Longan   Apricot Kernal   Stephania Tetandra   Ginger


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