TCM Terminology

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Terminology | Essential Terms & Meanings

Understanding Key Chinese And Western Medicinal Terms 

Aromatic Herbs that Transform Dampness

Aromatic Substances that Open the Orifices
Down Draining Herbs
Herbs that Clear Heat
Herbs that Dispel Wind-Dampness
Herbs that Expel Parasites
Herbs that Regulate the Blood
Herbs that Regulate the Qi
Herbs That Release the Exterior
Herbs that Relieve Food Stagnation
Herbs that Stabilize and Bind
Herbs that Transform Phlegm and Stop Coughing
Herbs that Warm the Interior and Expel Cold
Substances for Topical Application
Substances that Calm the Spirit
Substances that Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors
Tonifying Herbs