Plum Flower Powders

Tu Fu Ling extract powder Smilax glabra rhizome 100 g Plum Flower

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Herbal Information about Tu Fu Ling Concentrated Extract Tu Fu Ling, also known as Smilax glabra, is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb commonly used in Chinese herbal medicine. It is derived from the rhizome of the Sm…

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Herbal Information about Tu Fu Ling Concentrated Extract

Tu Fu Ling, also known as Smilax glabra, is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb commonly used in Chinese herbal medicine. It is derived from the rhizome of the Smilax glabra plant, which belongs to the Smilacaceae family.

what is smilax, what is tu fu ling, how to use tu fu ling, what are the health benefits of tu fu ling, Tu Fu Ling is primarily used for its detoxifying properties. It is believed to have several health benefits, including:

  1. Anti-inflammatory properties: Tu Fu Ling is often used to reduce inflammation, particularly in cases of joint and skin inflammation.

  2. Detoxification: It is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to remove toxins from the body. This includes its use in treating conditions like syphilis and other chronic skin diseases.

  3. Diuretic effects: The herb is used to promote urination and relieve fluid retention, which can help in the treatment of edema.

  4. Antimicrobial activity: Some studies suggest that Tu Fu Ling has antimicrobial properties, making it useful in fighting certain bacterial and viral infections.

Historical Texts: References to Tu Fu Ling can be found in several ancient Chinese medicinal texts. One of the earliest mentions is in the "Shennong Bencao Jing" (The Divine Farmer's Materia Medica), compiled around the first century AD. This text is considered one of the cornerstones of Chinese herbal medicine.

Differences Between Smilax Glabra and Mexican Sarsaparilla (Smilax aristolochiifolia):
The importance of a botanical name.

  1. Botanical Characteristics:

    • Smilax Glabra: Known as Tu Fu Ling, it has smooth stems and is commonly found in China and Southeast Asia.
    • Mexican Sarsaparilla (Smilax aristolochiifolia): Features prickly stems and is native to Mexico and Central America.
  2. Uses in Traditional Medicine:

    • Smilax Glabra: Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to detoxify the body, treat skin diseases, and improve joint health.
    • Mexican Sarsaparilla: Known for its use in treating skin conditions, arthritis, and as a general tonic.
  3. Chemical Composition:

    • Smilax Glabra: Contains compounds like saponins and flavonoids.
    • Mexican Sarsaparilla: Rich in saponins and sterols.
  4. Cultural Context:

    • Smilax Glabra: Predominantly used in Asian herbal medicine.
    • Mexican Sarsaparilla: Commonly used in Latin American herbal traditions and also popular in Western herbal supplements.

Channels/Meridians:  Stomach and Kidney

Common Name:   Sarsaparilla Root. 

Botanical Name:   Smilax Glabra. 

Other Names:  Smilax, Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome, Chinese Smilax Rhizome

Pin Yin Name:  Tu Fu Ling

Other Ingredients: Dextrin (derived from non-GMO corn)

Package Size:   100 grams - 3.5 ounces 

Form:    Powder 

Brand:   Plum Flower

Cautions: Do not use if pregnant or nursing.

California Prop 65

Product Properties:   Sweet, bland, cool, and non-toxic

Naturally Occurring Components:  β-sitosterol palmitate, β-sitosterol, astilbin, quercetin

Experience the natural essence of the single herb granules, which are dry, authentic, and free of sulfur, herbicides, and pesticides.

Summary of Health Benefits for Tu Fu Ling 

  • Clears heat
  • Removes toxicity
  • Excretes dampness
  • Clears the Skin
  • Eases Joint Movement (1)
  • Promotes Normal Urination (2)
  • Benefits the Healing of Abscess and Boils (3)

Understanding The Role That Tu Fu Ling Plays When Dealing With Lyme Diease

Anti-inflammatory Properties: Lyme disease can cause significant inflammatory responses in the body, leading to symptoms like joint pain, swelling, and fatigue. Tu Fu Ling is believed to help reduce inflammation, thereby potentially alleviating some of these symptoms.

Antimicrobial Activity: Although Tu Fu Ling is not effective against the bacteria that cause Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi), its general antimicrobial properties are thought to support the body’s ability to manage secondary infections or other microbial imbalances that might occur in chronic illness scenarios.

Detoxification: Lyme disease treatment protocols often emphasize the importance of detoxification to help the body remove the byproducts of infection and die-off as bacteria are killed. Tu Fu Ling is traditionally used to support detoxification pathways, which is why it might be included in treatment plans aiming to cleanse the body.

Holistic Support: In TCM, Tu Fu Ling is used not only for its direct medicinal effects but also for balancing the body’s overall energy (Qi) and managing what is described as dampness — a condition believed to contribute to symptoms like swelling, heaviness, and fatigue.

Usage in Herbal Formulas: In practice, Tu Fu Ling is typically part of a broader herbal regimen. For Lyme disease, it might be combined with other herbs that have immune-modulating effects, support organ systems under stress from infection, or help manage specific symptoms like neurological manifestations or joint pain.

Applications in Skin Diseases: Historically, Tu Fu Ling has been extensively used to treat syphilis and other skin diseases due to its supposed detoxifying properties.

Check out our How to Use Bulk Herbs page to see how to use herbs correctly. Our web page is constantly expanding, as of today we have articles on:

  • How to make salves, poultice, tinctures, teas, capsules, gargles, and foot bathes.
  • How to make a citrus facial splash
  • Cayenne pepper: Caterpillar and aphid spray ( Natural insect repellent )
  • Citrus potpourri basket.

Chinese Traditional herbs should be regarded as an added feature to modern western healthcare, and not as a replacement. Chinese traditional herbs ( Teas ) emphasize harmony, and balance.




Healing Lyme Disease by Stephen Buhner

Tu Fu Ling extract powder Smilax glabra rhizome 100 g Plum Flower

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